by guest author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Retreat Centre “A gracious woman respects herself and others. Her inner strength radiates a divine light that transforms and supports everything around her." Writing about the topic of Sacred Feminine inspired me to reevaluate what it means to me and question how others view this subject? And what does this have to do with yoga anyways? I looked up “Sacred Feminine” on the internet as one does in the twenty first century! And much to my … [Read more...]
Mala Beads for Autumn Yoga and Meditation
by guest author Jacqueline Medalye of Salt Spring Malas and Yoga Jewelry Autumn is a transition time of year. As daylight becomes shorter, days become colder, and we feel like it is time to retreat from the world, our yoga and meditation practice can become a source of strength, vitality, and enthusiasm. Yoga during autumn is critical for maintaining a healthy immune system, keeping the body warm, and helping us maintain an active lifestyle and positive attitude. Meditation is important … [Read more...]
I am exactly where I am meant to be
by guest author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Retreat Centre Twenty years ago a friend mentioned to me Arunachala, a sacred mountain of Shiva, (a representation of high consciousness in yoga or to devoted Hindus one of the many forms of God). Many know it due to the great Saint Ramana Maharishi who has and still inspires millions in the quest to discover; “Who am I?…not Peter or Jane or this body or this mind, but who am I really?" For some reason, this mountain of Shiva became lodged in my mind … [Read more...]
How to use Mula Bandha (root lock) to strengthen every pose
by guest author Carol Lux, The Yoga Life Next time you attempt Wheel Pose (back bend or Urdhva Dhanurasana) tell yourself; “Lock Mula Bandha!” You won’t believe the difference it will make. Like magic your core will strengthen, your chest and pelvis will rise toward the ceiling and your arms will feel light and airy. I hear you asking; “What miracle worker could this Mula Banhda be?” Let me tell you a little story. One day I found myself at an Ashtanga workshop and we were all … [Read more...]
How to conquer your monkey brain and calm your world
by guest author Carol Lux, The Yoga Life Remember those horrible flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz? Now picture those ghastly villains taking control of your brain. What a horrible nightmare that would be! So what does it feel like when a Flying Monkey Brain has taken up residence in your mind? Surprisingly, you may know the feeling well. Think of the last time your thoughts were so scattered, your mind so incessantly busy, that you just lost control over what is happening now. You … [Read more...]
How a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis led to daily home yoga practice and teacher training
By guest author Susan Kitson, author of In Search of Health Ed. note: See the bottom of this article for a chance to win a copy of Susan's book. Fifteen years ago I had barely heard of yoga. Eleven years ago I was attending two classes a week in the hopes it would help improve my chances of conception. Now I practice every day. Here's how my yoga journey unfolded: In June ’07 I left Napier with my family for our annual winter break in Fiji. Bliss right? Not so much on this … [Read more...]
Mind-food: Cultivating Sattva through food
By guest author Carmen Howell of The Sadhana Studio These days meditation and yoga are my vices - positive habits which have evolved and have slowly woven into my bodily intelligence. When I find myself transforming and experienceing the discomfort that can often be present with transformation, rather than slipping back into the grip of unsupportive habits - such as enslaving myself to a diet, convincing myself that vitamins are the cure for my lack of energy, punishing my body by over … [Read more...]
Thoughts on living in an awakening world
An Interview with Prajnaparamita, an awakened Master Prajnaparamita is leading a retreat at Kawaipurapura on Feburary 16 and 17. Find out more here. 1. There seems to be a big shift in the way businesses are being run and in the way people are reconsidering their lives. What do you see happening? Globally, structures are breaking down on all levels. They can no longer hold themselves. The banks, politics and many corporations, the way they were used to operating is no longer … [Read more...]
How to build your confidence (and resume) as a new yoga teacher
by guest author Cailen Ascher, owner of CALMbiz If you’re currently in, or fresh out of, yoga teacher training, chances are you’re thinking about landing your first teaching job. When I was first ready to teach, I dreamt about the kinds of classes I’d have, the sequences I’d prepare, and the kinds of students I’d love to serve. Then I was faced with an all-too-common predicament: No one would hire me because I didn’t have experience. But, to get experience, I needed to teach… It’s your … [Read more...]
Forty Days of Yoga: A journey to create a home yoga practice
by guest author Sara Foley, Smells Good, Feels Good I said: what about my eyes? God said: Keep them on the road. I said: what about my passion? God said: Keep it burning. I said: what about my heart? God said: Tell me what you hold inside it? I said: pain and sorrow? He said: ...stay with it. The wound is the place where the Light enters you. ~ Rumi I am one of Kara-Leah’s ‘beta readers’ for her upcoming book Forty Days of Yoga – Breaking Down the Barriers to a Yoga Home … [Read more...]