by guest author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Retreat Centre “A gracious woman respects herself and others. Her inner strength radiates a divine light that transforms and supports everything around her." Writing about the topic of Sacred Feminine inspired me to reevaluate what it means to me and question how others view this subject? And what does this have to do with yoga anyways? I looked up “Sacred Feminine” on the internet as one does in the twenty first century! And much to my … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2013
Exploring the Niyamas: How does Svadhyaya affect our lives?
by Kara-Leah Grant I've been pondering the yamas and niyamas for a few years now. Reading about them, thinking about them, writing about them... and of course, living them out. The niyama on my mind right now is Svadhyaya, often translated as study. Seems to sum up my entire approach to yoga really - the study of the practice and the study of the Self. Without that, there is no yoga, just a bunch of fancy moves thrown together on a mat. Svadhyaya is the difference between rotely moving … [Read more...]
Mala Beads for Autumn Yoga and Meditation
by guest author Jacqueline Medalye of Salt Spring Malas and Yoga Jewelry Autumn is a transition time of year. As daylight becomes shorter, days become colder, and we feel like it is time to retreat from the world, our yoga and meditation practice can become a source of strength, vitality, and enthusiasm. Yoga during autumn is critical for maintaining a healthy immune system, keeping the body warm, and helping us maintain an active lifestyle and positive attitude. Meditation is important … [Read more...]
I am exactly where I am meant to be
by guest author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Retreat Centre Twenty years ago a friend mentioned to me Arunachala, a sacred mountain of Shiva, (a representation of high consciousness in yoga or to devoted Hindus one of the many forms of God). Many know it due to the great Saint Ramana Maharishi who has and still inspires millions in the quest to discover; “Who am I?…not Peter or Jane or this body or this mind, but who am I really?" For some reason, this mountain of Shiva became lodged in my mind … [Read more...]
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em
By Kara-Leah Grant, author Forty Days of Yoga The more I practice yoga the more I realise it's got nothing to do with "flexibility". At least - not in the way that we often think about it, as the stretching of muscles. Rather, yoga often has to do with letting go and releasing our nervous system and the patterns of holding that result from years of activating the fight or flight system. These patterns of behaviour create the shapes of our bodies, as much as our muscles and bones … [Read more...]
Do I dare open into the belly of my own desire?
by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat I'm sitting in the Picton Ferry Terminal, about to head over to Wellington for my second book launch event. The first was at the International Yoga Conference and Festival at Kawai Purapura last weekend. It was both a blissful and challenging experience, and - as always - a learning experience. The bliss came in teaching a class to 40+ eager yogis and feeling the flow alongside them. It was such a joy to share my teaching and my yoga. It was … [Read more...]