by Daniel Fow, Cardinal Points: Healing Arts "The Mystic States (Siddhis) are attained by yogic practices from previous lifetimes, or by special plants, mantric repetition, asceticism, or by meditation." - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali The ancient Rishis and Yogis often spoke of an ancient plant medicine known as Soma which would be made into a tea. Upon drinking it, the third eye would awaken and mystical states would occur, even the state of samadhi or enlightenment. The use of Soma as a plant … [Read more...]
12 Things You Must Know About Kambo Before Getting Pricked
by Chris Kelly, If you’d told me years ago that the slimy secretion from an Amazonian tree frog - sometimes called “ordeal medicine” - was incredible for my health, I’d think you were a little nuts. If you told me it was applied directly into the lymphatic system through small little burn marks on the skin, I’d think you were completely nuts! I never would have believed that I’d be applying these very same burn marks and this slimy frog secretion to myself, let alone regularly serving it … [Read more...]
You Don’t Need to Know the Origins of an Issue to Heal it
by Kara-Leah Grant You don't have to know WHY you carry a particular belief to completely heal & release it. A story that illustrates this... It's April 2017. I'm on a camping road trip of the South Island with my partner and child. I take us to Lake Middleton - my family camping spot from about age 8 until I was 17. Every summer, and many holidays, we would pack everything into the car, hook on the Nifty Nomad Camper, pack our tents and kayaks and fishing gear, and head up to the Lakes for … [Read more...]
Philip Shepherd on What It’s Really Like To Experience Radical Wholeness
by Lucinda Staniland What is radical wholeness? This is a question that Philip Shepherd has spent many decades exploring and experiencing. As an international embodiment expert and the author of "New Self, New World," "Radical Wholeness," and creator of The Embodied Present Process™, Philip has studied wholeness through scientific, historical and anthropological lenses and through the felt intelligence of his own body. Kara-Leah Grant caught up with Philip to explore his nuanced and, to many … [Read more...]
Jason Corliss: Love Fully, Live the Moment, Believe in the Magic
by Kara-Leah Grant The last time I saw Jason Corliss - Organic Mechanic founder, wizard, shaman, healer, sage - was at Kawai Purapura on Sunday, February 11th, 2018, for a Cacao Ceremony. He was outside, dancing, in the rain. This weekend - the weekend of his funeral, was the International Yoga Festival at Kawai Purapura, and I was presenting. Grace meant I was scheduled only for Friday and Sunday, so I was able to go and sit with Jase at the funeral home on Saturday morning before … [Read more...]
The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself? Bullshit
by Kara-Leah Grant We all know the saying - the only thing to fear is fear itself. But it's wrong. Completely totally and utterly wrong. And if I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that disseminating that piece of wisdom is a sneaky way to disempower people completely and turn them into comfort-seeking, convenience-addicted sheep. Fear is not to be feared. In fact, fearing fear feeds the fear and locks us up into a big old contracted mess that will do anything to avoid how … [Read more...]
How to Connect with the Energy of the Divine Feminine
by Kara-Leah Grant I'm leading a Women's Circle at Power Living Wellington on July 8th where I've promised that women will learn how to embody and evoke the energy of Maha Shakti - one aspect of the Divine Feminine - through the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation. But what does that mean? I feel the energy of Shakti in me when I practice, when I walk, when I dance, when I write, when I make love. She is always there, within, only a breath away from my awareness. But how do … [Read more...]