by Daniel Fow All of the muscles in the body need to be exercised, stretched and worked with. Most of us know this, and we do yoga, go to the gym, walk, hike, run, or do some sort of work with our skeletal muscles. But these muscles are all generally on the outside surface of the body, either on top of our skeleton or immediately beneath. What we often tend to forget about is the importance of muscles that exist on the inside of the body. The pelvic diaphragm and the respiratory diaphragm are … [Read more...]
Denise Payne on Why She Doesn’t Want Liberation in This Lifetime
by Lucinda Staniland, Denise Payne is a big-hearted yoga teacher with more than three decades of experience on the mat. Most recently, she spent the last eight years in Bali, where she taught at Ubud's favourite yoga studio, The Yoga Barn and also at Bali's most notorious prison, Kerobokan, where she started a yoga program with Myuran Sukumaran, one of the Bali Nine. In today's yoga landscape, Denise has what I consider to be an unusually deep grounding in Yoga, including twenty years spent … [Read more...]
Are Plant Medicines Part of Traditional Yoga?
by Daniel Fow, Cardinal Points: Healing Arts "The Mystic States (Siddhis) are attained by yogic practices from previous lifetimes, or by special plants, mantric repetition, asceticism, or by meditation." - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali The ancient Rishis and Yogis often spoke of an ancient plant medicine known as Soma which would be made into a tea. Upon drinking it, the third eye would awaken and mystical states would occur, even the state of samadhi or enlightenment. The use of Soma as a plant … [Read more...]
How to Re-Write Your Past and Free up Your Future
by Kara-Leah Grant In practice this week, I noticed that when I've told the story of my awakening/psychosis experience, it's always been focused on the relationship I was in, and how that contributed to the experience. But there's another big piece to that story. And it's one I've never told before. That intrigued me. Why had I not looked at that aspect of the story before? Scanning through my life's history, I saw the pattern repeated over and over again: My story has always been told … [Read more...]
12 Things You Must Know About Kambo Before Getting Pricked
by Chris Kelly, If you’d told me years ago that the slimy secretion from an Amazonian tree frog - sometimes called “ordeal medicine” - was incredible for my health, I’d think you were a little nuts. If you told me it was applied directly into the lymphatic system through small little burn marks on the skin, I’d think you were completely nuts! I never would have believed that I’d be applying these very same burn marks and this slimy frog secretion to myself, let alone regularly serving it … [Read more...]
Our Habits Are a Path to Deep Transformation
by Tara Fowler, Tara Spice Creative Habits are our regular and repeating behaviours which are done unconsciously. For me, this is picking my skin. For as long as I can remember I’ve picked my skin. As a small child any itchy bite I would scratch and scratch, tearing it apart. Then when it formed a scab I would pick that off also, leaving my skin covered in scars. I remember when I was around nine years old, a friend noticed the scabs and scars on my legs and said to me. “Gross, do you still … [Read more...]
Why I Don’t Go To Yoga Classes Anymore (But Maybe I Will)
by Lucinda Staniland I have a confession to make. Even though I practice yoga every day and work for a yoga website, I haven’t regularly attended yoga classes in years. My home yoga practice is consistent and serious, I'm constantly consulting my bookcase of yoga books, and I attend the occasional one-on-one session with a teacher. But yoga classes? That thing where you join a group of people to be led through asana and perhaps some pranayama and meditation? The answer used to be, … [Read more...]
How to Blast Through Avoidance & Clear Out Your Psychic Space
by Kara-Leah Grant Avoidance. It's one of those subtle things that can completely derail our lives. Or at least, prevent us from growing and expanding. And the thing is, it's oh so subtle most of the time. Like, not even there almost. Like, easy to ignore. This week, I've avoided making a phone call to a venue to talk about pricing. I've avoided downloading and reading the notes from my editor on my book. And I've avoided calling someone on treating me bad. These are just the avoidances I'm … [Read more...]
You Don’t Need to Know the Origins of an Issue to Heal it
by Kara-Leah Grant You don't have to know WHY you carry a particular belief to completely heal & release it. A story that illustrates this... It's April 2017. I'm on a camping road trip of the South Island with my partner and child. I take us to Lake Middleton - my family camping spot from about age 8 until I was 17. Every summer, and many holidays, we would pack everything into the car, hook on the Nifty Nomad Camper, pack our tents and kayaks and fishing gear, and head up to the Lakes for … [Read more...]
What is Conscious Business and Can it Reshape our World?
by Kara-Leah Grant Nothing has changed society more than business. The second agricultural revolution (Britain approximately 1650 until about 1900) was defined by business, as farmers changed methods to increase productivity and food production out-stripped population growth, creating wealth. Laws around common land changed and transportation infrastructure became increasingly important, completely changing British society. And, through the British Empire, impacted the entire world. That … [Read more...]