by Kara-Leah Grant Do we dare, do we dare, do we dare surrender to God? Oh boy - the G-word in yoga. Scary stuff indeed. How on earth does God relate to yoga? Let's start by ditching the word God - although that's what Ishvara refers to, instead we can call it the Grand Ordering Design if we like. It's nothing more than the infinite intelligence throughout the Universe that keeps everything in place - the sun rising, the moon waxing and waning, the tides rising and falling, seeds … [Read more...]
The videos and articles in this section explore the basis of what yoga really is, and describe ways of how to go about practicing it yourself.
Sacred Feminine and Yoga: Honouring the forces within. Part 3
by guest author, Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Yoga Retreat All cultures of the ancient world worshipped the principles of the Mother, Shakti or Devi. Although it may have been called by different names, the concept of a force which bestows life, nourishes, loves, comforts, supports and transforms has always been present. In Christianity, we know her as Mother Mary. In Japan, she was Amaterasu, the sun-goddess; in Greece, she is Demeter, the corn-goddess, Aphrodite, the goddess of passion and … [Read more...]
Sacred Feminine and Yoga: It’s all about balance. Part 2
by guest author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Yoga Retreat The Tantric view of creation is that there are two forces called Shiva and Shakti representing the male and female aspects of creation, which exist within each and every person. Shiva, also called Purusha, is the masculine force and is pure ‘consciousness'. Shakti or Prakriti is the feminine force that is pure ‘energy’. One cannot exist without the other and both are within each of us. This duality is also described in the word 'Ha' 'Tha' … [Read more...]
The Sacred Feminine and Yoga: What does it mean? Part 1
by guest author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Retreat Centre “A gracious woman respects herself and others. Her inner strength radiates a divine light that transforms and supports everything around her." Writing about the topic of Sacred Feminine inspired me to reevaluate what it means to me and question how others view this subject? And what does this have to do with yoga anyways? I looked up “Sacred Feminine” on the internet as one does in the twenty first century! And much to my … [Read more...]
Exploring the Niyamas: How does Svadhyaya affect our lives?
by Kara-Leah Grant I've been pondering the yamas and niyamas for a few years now. Reading about them, thinking about them, writing about them... and of course, living them out. The niyama on my mind right now is Svadhyaya, often translated as study. Seems to sum up my entire approach to yoga really - the study of the practice and the study of the Self. Without that, there is no yoga, just a bunch of fancy moves thrown together on a mat. Svadhyaya is the difference between rotely moving … [Read more...]
How to use Mula Bandha (root lock) to strengthen every pose
by guest author Carol Lux, The Yoga Life Next time you attempt Wheel Pose (back bend or Urdhva Dhanurasana) tell yourself; “Lock Mula Bandha!” You won’t believe the difference it will make. Like magic your core will strengthen, your chest and pelvis will rise toward the ceiling and your arms will feel light and airy. I hear you asking; “What miracle worker could this Mula Banhda be?” Let me tell you a little story. One day I found myself at an Ashtanga workshop and we were all … [Read more...]
The pros and cons of growing up as a yogini’s daughter
by guest author Jacinta Aalsma A question that pops up regularly for most yogis and yoginis is; 'How long you have been practising yoga?' I don’t have a clear memory of when I started practising or when I undertook that first life changing yoga class. I’ve been brought up with yoga, because my mum has been a yogini and yoga teacher for as long as I remember. Often, the assumption is therefore made that I’m super bendy and flexible and that I would make a great yoga teacher. After all, … [Read more...]
Exploring the Niyamas: How does Saucha affect our lives?
by Kara-Leah Grant Over two years ago I made a commitment to live out each yama in my life and write about the experience. That series Applying the Yamas to Daily Life has been cornerstone content for The Yoga Lunchbox and has also been published in Asana Journal. Now, at the prompting of my editor at Asana, I've embarked on the same mission for the Niyamas. Every few weeks, I'm picking one niyama and studying it plus observing how it shows up in my life. For those new to yoga, the … [Read more...]
Folding forward into Easy Pose for instant stress-relief
by Kara-Leah Grant The last couple of years I’ve been getting up close and personal with long, slow holds in seated poses. There’s a couple of reasons for this. One is that I’m often exhausted from being a single parent and running my own business - the thought of standing postures or sun salutes sometimes makes me shudder. Giving myself permission to just sit on what mat and see what unfolds from there means I'm far more likely to practice every day. The second is that I’m yang enough - … [Read more...]
You’re Un•BAL•anced… 4 easy ways to bring more balance to your life without really getting off your butt.
by columnist Gabrielle Harris, The Suburban Yogini Ever since I was publicly declared 'unbalanced' I got to thinking …… how can I go about getting my balance on? Here is a sampler of treatments from the suburbs: Therapy number one: Yin Yoga After discovering that according to Ayurvedic science my dosha was pitta (fire and energy) I became aware that to find more balance in my life I needed to jump off the power yoga treadmill and sit on my butt for long periods of time letting my … [Read more...]