by Kara-Leah Grant Yoga might be one of the faster growing pursuits in the West, but there's still plenty of people showing up to class, having one - or multiple - bad experiences and being put off for life. And unfortunately, that initial interaction with a studio and/or teacher can set the tone for the way someone will forevermore think about yoga and 'yoga people'. Yes, there can be difficult first-timers and it takes two people to co-create a situation. But in the yoga room, the onus is on … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2015
The Gifts of Applying Ahimsa to Daily Life
By guest author Mike Kuplevatsky The fundamental nature of happiness and our relationship between our inner world and the external world most often intertwine. Without realizing it, our happiness is often governed by the external world. For example, if someone frowns at us, honks a horn at us, calls us crazy, disagrees with with some of our viewpoints or thinks badly of us, our happiness most often instantly becomes interrupted. That can play out into violence towards ourselves or to … [Read more...]
Tara Judelle on Journeying to the Centre of the Body through Yoga {Video interview}
by Kara-Leah Grant Meet Tara Judelle, an international yoga teacher and featured teacher with Yogaglo. Tara has over 27 years’ experience working with movement, and now focuses her yoga classes, and her own practice, on the discovery of embodied anatomy. I had the pleasure of attending a weekend workshop with Tara last November, at a time I was beginning to become disillusioned with the yoga I was finding. Tara restored my faith in yoga teachers. She taught 100% out of her own practice, … [Read more...]
The Tapestry of Yoga Cueing: Four Keys to Mastering Yoga Teaching
By Michelle Jayne, Yoga facilitator, therapist & coach "Step your foot forward and stretch your arms up." I looked around the studio I was practicing in, trying to figure out if we were still on the right leg, or without warning, this had changed. "Square your hips forward, breath in, stretch your arms, breath in, bend your front knee, and take one more breath." Hang on a second, I hadn’t had a chance to breath out, and if I continued listening to the teachers cueing, I was about to faint … [Read more...]