By guest author John Falepau, Yogi John Who would have thought I’d be doing ten minutes of yoga every morning before a bowl of porridge and a cup of coffee? I’ve always been an early riser, getting up and off to work. Not that long ago I got up to heave heavy weights before going to work. There’s still a heavy weight of sorts, throw in a yoga mat, and here I am. Getting on my man mat every morning is the start of my day, and it’s what I look forward to when I turn in the night before. … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2013
Be Radical: Jettison the More is Better Mindset
by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat Today, I sat down with a spreadsheet and whipped up a calendar for my month. I blocked out the hours when Samuel is in childcare and I wrote down all the weekly and monthly tasks I need to do to keep my business running. It was a sobering exercise. Even allowing for extra childcare hours by paying a family friend to hang out with Samuel two afternoons a week, I am trying to do more than I have hours available for. Even adding in evenings three times a … [Read more...]
My Worst Yoga Class Ever
By guest author Zahir Gilani I have been doing Hot Yoga for six years. I have been nomadic in my practice and have tried many different studios and instructors. Some classes have been great, and some instructors have been amazing. I have left classes feeling tranquil, and have even carried on the rest of my day in an ineffable euphoric state. But even if I do not achieve an inner peace while there, at the very least I’ll know I have got a good workout in and had a chance to … [Read more...]
Have You Stated Your Intentions? The Importance of Writing a Yoga Business Plan
By Keeley Mitchell, Zi Living Recently I had the pleasure of having someone inquire about my services and in our discourse she asked two questions. 1. How much experience should she have before opening her yoga studio? 2. How much money does it cost to open a yoga studio? While I could not give her a definitive answer to her questions, I felt our discussion was still a positive one. You see, I gave my inquirer kudos for doing her research well in advance so she could plan … [Read more...]
Is Awakening the Evolutionary Destiny of Humanity?
WIN a copy of Kara-Leah’s new book ‘Sex, Drugs & (mostly) Yoga - Field Notes from Kundalini Awakening’, publishing in November 2018. Guaranteed to take you on an intimate journey into the depths of the Kundalini experience. Click here to sign up for the book launch list and go into the draw to win one of THREE print copies. by Kara-Leah Grant I once knew a yoga teacher who would joke how awakening would never happen to her - she wasn’t far enough along the path, or didn’t know enough, or … [Read more...]
The Yoga Clothes Challenge: Can We Have Both Style and Ease?
by Janelle Hope, Flip Your Dog Want to win a $100 voucher to Flip Your Dog? See the end of this article. If only I could live in yoga gear that doubles as all day wear, then I could practice, walk, run, workout anywhere, anytime while getting all of life’s other things done. Oh yes please! Since having my children (aged five and two) jeans are a thing of the past. Anything with a forgiving waistband - allowing me room to belly breathe, repeatedly get up and down from the floor with the … [Read more...]
Sun Salutations Video Series: How to do Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
by Kara-Leah Grant Like Chatranga Dandasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is a posture we usually only spend a breath or two in during yoga class. It's a posture of transition and movement. And it's a posture that's very easily to do badly, creating stress on our lower back and shoulders. For this reason, it's a posture I'm now wary of teaching in a general, drop-in yoga class. Yes, it's a staple of sun salutations and yoga, yet many of the people I see coming to class aren't yet ready to swoop … [Read more...]
How Brandon Bays’ ‘The Journey’ Helped me Open up to Real Intimacy
By guest author Jacinta Aalsma I am always wondering if I would have chosen the path of yoga with the same passion and intensity if I didn't come across the Journey work. Would I be brave enough to follow my passion by facing my insecurity, fear of exposure and perfectionism? Would I dare to stand for a group of exciting yogis and teach them in English, my second language? Would I dare to show the real Jacinta? I guess we will never know. Clearly, Journey work has transformed my yoga … [Read more...]
Are We Drowning Under a Deluge of Perfect Yoga Images?
by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat As many of you know, Wanderlust is coming to New Zealand and Australia next year - first with one-day city-based events, and then in 2015 with the whole four day festival she-bang. I'm one yoga teacher who's been selected as a Wanderlust Wayfarer. Wayfarers are a network of teachers who spread the word about Wanderlust to their local communities. As part of my role, I had to send in my bio and a photo of me. Should be easy right? I'm all over the … [Read more...]
What if Non-Attachment is Merely a By-Product of Liberation?
by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat I'm sitting at my computer listening to a great DJ mix on Soundcloud, doing my daily work for The Yoga Lunchbox. Formatting and editing articles, dealing with advertisers, answering emails, posting on social media. Underneath the surface, as I work, I'm aware of a shift in my energy. This shift happened a few weeks ago. Maybe a month. I'm not quite sure. Whatever it was that had been driving me incessantly to publish on the internet - ever since … [Read more...]