by Heather Robinson
There is something in yoga practice, isn’t there, which brings us in touch with ourselves. It is a fascination often motivating us to practice – a positive action. So…
Let’s take positive action with our practice of yoga.
And what would that action look like?
Finding my mat perhaps, being somewhere out of the normal hubbub of life – in a personal space, or in a group setting.
A great place to start – tick √
It may need some discipline to get started! Perhaps light food, arriving without rushing, finding our own space, letting go of the normal ‘stuff’, feeling the body thankfully relaxing. And then before we know it we’ve engaged….
Let’s take positive action with increasing awareness
Somehow it seems to happen, the more I practice the more aware I become.
Perhaps it’s that ‘niggle’ feeling when I’m not ‘aligned’ or using core muscles
Perhaps it’s a deeper connection which comes when linking with the breath in asana
Understanding more about me! In a kindly non- judging way, with guidance and reference.
Working with a yoga teacher, through reflection on models from authoritative texts… all the time taking rain checks
A continuing self-help journey – tick √
Let’s take positive action, and let go of the outcome!
When we are in our own yoga space, everyday worries and strivings pause for a while, we don’t identify with them. It’s time-out! And in time our own practice doesn’t need comparison with others.
A contentment with just taking practice helps us accept times when practice flows equally with times when it doesn’t. Whatever the outcome it’s OK.
Now we’re embracing something known as Kriya yoga – how did that happen?!
Take some discipline, bring a little awareness, and know that we are not masters of all we do… And we arrive at Patanjali’s Kriya yoga, the yoga of action, as found in the iconic yoga text, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, chapter 2 verse 1.
They are like a process, as well as an anchor in our voyage of understanding – in time and space that is appropriate – where we are and what we can let go of. Refining actions with reference for example, to the Yoga Sutras, brings deeper awareness not only of ourselves but also the relationships we have with others.
Three simple, yet powerful elements. Positive change is seeded and waiting to ripen!
November 22 – 24, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.
Join Heather Robinson and other yoga experts at the Hauora Yoga Conference, a three-day educational event where the professional yoga community in Aotearoa New Zealand connect, discuss, learn, innovate and practice together. Educate yourself, practice yoga and be part of national discussions with our selection of Clinics, Masterclasses, Workshops, Discussion Panels, Keynote Speakers and more!
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About Heather Robinson

Heather Robinson is a yoga therapist, mentor, teacher and teacher trainer, trained in the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar. She began teaching in the 1990s in the UK with ‘British Wheel of Yoga’ Teacher & ‘Viniyoga Practitioner’ qualifications.
Training in Europe and India led to Yoga Teacher Trainer status. In the UK she trained yoga teachers and presented a broad range of yoga workshops. Her Yoga Therapist qualification included internships at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai. She has experience with a range of conditions and has taught those living with cancer in a hospital and complementary setting.
Heather has been an active member of the British Council for Yoga Therapy and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. When she began living in NZ, she joined Yoga New Zealand (Yoga NZ). During the last year she helped with the transition of the operation of Yoga NZ from Yoga Australia to the Exercise Assosciation of New Zealand. Heather is honoured to be Chair of the Council of Yoga New Zealand, a voluntary body which helps guide the development of Yoga New Zealand.
Heather’s aim is to help bring life and lightness to the use of yoga for self-help and self-development.
I have read somewhere else, “I bend because I don’t break.” Yes you become more flexible in one sense. In other sense, you are never down. But only you could bend. Yoga is much more than a bend. Equally true that Kriya Yoga is much more than Yoga.