You’ve been practicing yoga long enough to know that it’s about so much more than just physical postures and you’re ready to deepen your understanding and your practice.
Here you’ll find all kinds of inquiry and exploration into what it means to practice yoga, how to practice yoga at home, how to practice yoga off the mat, and how to expand your practice out beyond asana and into other aspects like meditation, pranayama and chanting.
You’ll also find the answers to all your questions on deepening your practice, big and small:
“Donna Farhi on Why Success in Yoga is About Opening Our Hearts, Not Our Hips”
“This is What Conscious Parenting Looks Like: 6 Practical Tips for Parenting the Yoga Way“
“How I Found Space & Presence in the Aftermath of a Miscarriage“
“How Yoga Helped Me at Every Stage of Life“
“How My Ashtanga Practice Taught me to Practice Courage“
You can navigate Deepening via the sub-categories below, or by the article grid under that. We’ve also included some videos related to Deepening down below.
I sincerely hope that the writing and videos you find here will assist you to take your practice off the mat, and embody yoga in all that you do.
With love,
Lucinda, Editor of The Yoga Lunchbox
Yoga & Parenting
Bringing up children is an awesome opportunity to put into practice everything we learn on the yoga mat.
Yoga & Healing
How do we use Yoga to heal, on a physical, emotional, mental and energetic level?
Yoga & Relationships
Yoga is intimately concerned with relationship – with union. It’s about how we relate to ourselves through the mirror of how we relate to other people.
Yoga & Life
How do we navigate the challenges of life using the tools of yoga? Particularly the Yamas and the Niyamas?
Deepening • Most Recent Articles