by Stephanie Spence, Editor's note: This is an excerpt from Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat The setting: a luxurious villa on the Caribbean island of St. Barts. A wife and husband, along with several of his clients, are partying on a terrace overlooking the glittering ocean and sun-kissed beach. They flew in from Pittsburgh aboard his private jet that morning. The woman seems to have it all—she’s a self-made success story, wife, and mother. But beneath her mask … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2018
How Your Unconscious Beliefs Shape Your Body & Mind
by KeiShana Coursey, Opti-mum As a midwife and yogi who has walked alongside women and observed their navigation through all that is birth, it appears to me that the mind doesn’t mind what you believe about sensation, and that it will loyally serve you to create whatever it is you’ve unconsciously chosen to believe. Let me explain… I became very interested in the vast difference between the individual experience of labour and birth when observing the stark contrast between women who believed … [Read more...]
Yoga Teacher, Heal Thyself
by J. Brown, Originally published on J. Brown Yoga. There is a performative aspect to teaching and promoting group yoga classes that sometimes leads to a denial of the teacher’s actual state. The conventional dynamics at play between teachers and students, both interpersonal and economic, are presenting obstacles to the kinds of exchange that encourage effective yoga transmission. Maintaining integrity often means having the courage to buck trends in order to reconcile our intentions with … [Read more...]
Being Wonder Woman: Yoga & Feminism
By Sam Loe, Originally published on I will admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the Wonder Woman movie featuring Gal Gadot. I loved watching a super-goddess with powers of courage, strength and age-defying perfection on the big screen. It makes a change from the usual Hollywood, male-dominated super-heroes anyway. In fact, I went to see it with a bunch of my good girlfriends last year and we came straight home from the cinema and raided the kid's dressing up box and used the … [Read more...]
Exorcism: An Invitation to Work Consciously with Fear
by Kara-Leah Grant This week, I took part in an exorcism. But let's just call it a healing, because that word exorcism caries all kinds of connotations that can stop us from bringing our hearts and awareness into the moment. There was nothing to fear in this healing, except, of course, fear itself. More than ten years ago, I took on an energy, an entity, a being of the subtle realms... it's not something I've talked about much because, you know, crazy. Yet it wasn't crazy for me. It was … [Read more...]