by guest author Jacinta Aalsma Besides yoga, I’ve always been interested in Ayurveda. Not so strange; Ayurveda and yoga have been sister sciences since the beginning in ancient India. Ayurveda deals with the healing side for the physical body as well as the mind. You could consider yoga as the more spiritually-oriented sister. In practice, they will both overlap. Since a couple of months my yoga practice has been transformed from mostly public classes in my local yoga studio to a home … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2013
I do: What it Really Means to Commit to Your Yoga Business
By guest author Keeley Mitchell, Zi Living Welcome back for another discussion from The Business Side of the Mat. In this article I wanted to delve a little deeper into the idea of committing to your business. When I speak of commitment, I am not referring to your commitment to your clients and students. I know that you are committed where that is concerned. I am referring to your commitment to running your business and growing it. It's about truly making the commitment that you will treat … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Chasing Pain and the Gifts of Living with an Auto-Immune Disease
by guest author Emma Fernbloom, former owner of The Dunedin Yoga Studio It wasn’t that long ago I was standing in front of a room full of people and assuring them that if they practice yoga regularly, not only would all of their health problems disappear but they would be successfully avoiding old age, loss of vitality and disease. I was glowing with my own certainty that I had found the keys to a healthy fulfilled life. I was strong, flexible and graceful. I was meditating every day and … [Read more...]
How I Learnt to Build Core Strength and Heal My Injuries with Yoga
By Jonathan FitzGordon, The CoreWalking Program Way back in 1998, following the last of three knee surgeries, and after a year and a half of physical therapy, I was finally back on my yoga mat, when a teacher asked me a life changing question. "What are you doing to avoid a fourth surgery?" "Nothing," was my sheepish response. Yoga had saved my life but it also broke my body. My childhood had been active though no one taught me how to do anything so I was particularly horrible at baseball, the … [Read more...]
Sun Salutations Video Series: How to do Chaturanga Dandasana
by Kara-Leah Grant Chaturanga Dandasana is one of those postures that we often don't spend time in - either in yoga class or in our home yoga practice. It's a one-breath wonder. We're in, we're moving out, that's it. Partly this is because it's a challenging posture and we usually want to get out of it as soon as possible. And part of it is because it's not a flashy yoga posture where we feel like we get somewhere or gain a lot over time. It's easy to see Chaturanga Dandasana as just a … [Read more...]
Why We Need to Take Our Yoga Practice Back to The Basics
by Melissa Billington, Ear2Earth Yoga is a self-regulating practice. It’s a yoke, a disciplined and regular practice that harnesses our innate animal power/prowess and enables us to see our own self-sabotaging habits and tendencies. And, armed with that awareness and new tools for transformation, we are empowered to change those tendencies and habits of self-sabotage into tendencies and habits of transmutation and transformation. We can become the opposite of our deepest darkest fear, … [Read more...]
What Does it Mean to Open Your Heart Chakra?
by Kara-Leah Grant It's Day 17 of my forty days of a heart-opening kriya (see below for PDF of this kriya). Every day I hit the mat and do seven postures in a specific order. Often I do other asana, pranayama and meditation as well. But no matter what, there is always the consistency of the heart-opening kriya to anchor me in my home yoga practice. So, is it working? Is this yoga practice opening my heart chakra? Before I answer that, I want to take a step back and define what that … [Read more...]
Five Mistakes I Made As a New Yoga Teacher
by Seka Ojdrovic-Phillips, Spirit Fire Yoga Yoga in all its forms has brought me head-to-head with my greatest challenges and the satisfaction that comes from working through them. My own brand of yoga evolution led me to teaching, first in New Zealand and now in the States. As with every evolution, I learned tons each time I showed up to teach. Showing up at anything is all it takes. While making mistakes as a teacher, I grow and learn to become more connected to others, and kinder to … [Read more...]
The Five Koshas Explained: How They Impact our Yoga Practice
by Kara-Leah Grant, Do enough research, and it seems we can find evidence that regular practice of yoga can positively impact everything from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks to thyroid conditions, sciatica and asthma. In fact, it could be said that yoga can positively impact anything that has to do with the functioning of our physical bodies, minds or emotions. How can this be possible? Surely yoga’s not a silver bullet? Well no, it’s not. However, yoga works to harmonise the body, mind … [Read more...]