by Kara-Leah Grant Meet Tara Judelle, an international yoga teacher and featured teacher with Yogaglo. Tara has over 27 years’ experience working with movement, and now focuses her yoga classes, and her own practice, on the discovery of embodied anatomy. I had the pleasure of attending a weekend workshop with Tara last November, at a time I was beginning to become disillusioned with the yoga I was finding. Tara restored my faith in yoga teachers. She taught 100% out of her own practice, … [Read more...]
If you can’t publicly own it, don’t do it (easy to say right?)
Forget the Ten Commandments. Forget even the Five Yamas or Niyamas. Here instead is the Golden Litmus Test. Apply it to all your behaviour. Everything you do. Everything you say. And everything you think. (If you really want to up your game...) Can you publicly own this action, word or thought? Can you publish it in the newspaper? Talk about it on Tv? Answer to it on radio? Yes? Sweet... do it, say it, think it. No? Don't do it, say it, think it... At … [Read more...]
Everything is stable… until it’s not
by guest author Katie Lane What the Christchurch earthquake is teaching me about stability. Just when I thought I’d found my roots...the ground shook. AGAIN. Tuesday morning, 11.32am. The biggest aftershock I felt since our original 7.1 magnitude earthquake in early September. Compared to the BIG event, this shake was minor. However, a 5.0 on any scale is really no small thing! The woman I was talking with on the phone started to cry and hung up the apologizing that she needed to call her … [Read more...]
Surviving and thriving in the Christchurch earthquake
Like many yoga workshops, the recent Anusara Workshop in Christchurch with Noah Maze shook up our concepts of reality, purpose, values and life. Only in this workshop, Heroes and Heroines: Stories and Practices of Yoga, it wasn't the teachings nor the practice or even the teacher doing all the shaking, it was the earth herself. On Saturday morning, at 4.35am... just hours after a stimulating two hour practice to kickstart the weekend underpinned by the mythology of Hanuman the Monkey … [Read more...]