by guest author Amanda Reid Kundalini Yoga is an ancient and powerful school of Yoga utilising the science and technology, and reaping all the benefits, of Hatha, Raj, Mantra and Laya Yoga. Maintained as an oral tradition for thousands of years to protect the techniques from abuse, this secrecy also created an unnecessary image of mystery which remains today. Brought to the West in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, there is no tradition of asceticism in Kundalini Yoga, no need to take oneself away … [Read more...]
An exploration of non-attachment, or vairagya
by guest author Swami Muktidharma Saraswati For details of a retreat this weekend at Anahata Retreat on non-attachment, please see the end of this article. Attachment is one of the main causes in our lives of unhappiness. Attachment causes fear and fear is the trigger for a lot of other emotions such as anger, stress and lack of satisfaction in life. When there is attachment to an object, however small, there is fear of losing it. … [Read more...]
Effects of the Sankalpa in Satyananda Yoga Nidra – Manifesting the positive
By Guest Author Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Yoga Retreat Many people on the yogic path are committed to self transformation. This active focus on growth may ignite questioning of one’s own behaviour. Sometimes, there is genuine desire to change a particular habit or pattern, but try as one may, the cause of the action can be elusive! Whether resisting or accepting those aspects of the self which seem outside of conscious control, in truth the reactions, perspectives and even external … [Read more...]
Broken Warriors – reaching out to prisoners with yoga
by guest author Adhyatma, Yoga Education in Prisons Trust I first came across the idea of teaching Yoga to prison inmates when I was staying in an ashram in the northern parts of Bihar, India. I had traveled there without much prior knowledge of why I was really going there, what I was in for, or how it had even happened so easily, and so quickly in my life. But it had! I had been attending some Yoga classes in Mt Eden, Auckland for a couple of years with a Satyananda yoga teacher before I … [Read more...]
A yogic Christmas fable – The Christmas Tree
Every now and then, something drops into my in-box that fills me with delight and merriment. This arrived recently from fellow yoga teacher Roger Livingstone and I just knew I had to share it with a wider audience. Enjoy! Dear Yoga Friends and other aligned beings, Here is my Christmas message. I trust you'll dig it. All my best to you. Long ago in a fabled age when men and women were wise, noble and good, the Christmas Tree had profound symbolic meaning. Some characteristics … [Read more...]
Being Still for a Change – Why Meditating is a Response to Climate Change
by guest author Christine Dann, writer, researcher, teacher and Green activist October 24, 2009 is a day with a difference, one that will go down in history as the first international day of grass roots action on climate change. Hopefully it will be the last such day, because the world leaders meeting at the December climate change conference in Copenhagen will get the message - stop protecting the profits of big business and start protecting people and other living beings by committing to … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Teaching Yoga
by Guest Author Swami Nishchalananda, who established Mandala Yoga Ashram in 1986. As students and practitioners of Yoga we are all well aware of the benefits Yoga can have on all levels of our being. Teaching Yoga can be a way of passing on to others what we have received. Teaching Yoga gives us an opportunity to serve others, enabling us to really be of help to others in improving the quality of their lives. Remember that service (Sanskrit, seva) is an essential aspect of Yoga … [Read more...]
How yoga practice teaches you to listen to your intuition through life’s transitions
by guest author Lynda Miers-Henneveld of Yoga Unlimited Yoga teaches us to embrace the natural rhythms of life. Through our practice we can ground ourselves in times of instability, or motivate and energise ourselves when we feel stuck. A personal practice has to reflect our changing circumstances if it is to support us in our journey through this life. If we stay present to what is happening in our bodies, minds and hearts, we can adapt our practice intuitively. … [Read more...]
How to use yoga to help you be a better parent
Yoga is 'union' and there is no greater path to union than that of the relationship between parent and child - and a parent's relationship with themselves. by guest author Amanda Reid of Samadhi Yoga Where else do you have the challenge and opportunity to be your most mindful at each moment? Where your every communication has the potential to create conflict or upliftment? Children respond either consciously or unconsciously to each moment and can make us painfully aware of our gaps … [Read more...]
How to introduce your children to yoga
The power of yoga to improve the quality of life for our children is an untapped resource. by guest author Amanda Reid of Samadhi Yoga Although yoga has enjoyed popularity with adults for many years, it is only recently that we have come to understand how helpful it can be for children in their formative years, increasing their self-awareness, building their self-esteem, and strengthening their bodies - truly a welcomed oasis in a culture that offers little in the way of mindful yet … [Read more...]