by guest author Deepak Chopra, author of many books including Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment. Deepak Chopra is in Auckland on August 2nd. See the bottom of this article for event details. Emotions are mysterious and often dangerous things. Thirty years ago mind-body medicine made the connection between emotions and illness. The so-called cancer personality had its vogue, preceded by the type A personality linked to early heart attacks. Despite advances in drugs for depression and … [Read more...]
Tantra: A system for mind expansion
by guest author Swami Muktidharma There is a huge misunderstanding about the great science of Tantra, especially in our western society. Some confuse it with witchery or black magic and a lot more think that Tantra is only related to sexual practices. As with many things imported from the East to the West, this is a gross misrepresentation of Tantra and a very limited way to understand an ancient and deep science. Tantra relates to each and every aspect of our lives, and therefore must … [Read more...]
How to adjust your yoga practice for autumn
Take a big breath – air is all around us...... Autumn is a transformation beyond just the season. There are the obvious tell-tale signs that autumn is upon us in a change in the weather and changes in nature. The days become shorter, the rhythm shifts, the light and heat of summer subside. We move towards something more mellow and soft, which encourages us to look within and reflect. As you slow down, find the time to ponder an Ayurvedic approach to autumn. Ayurveda is a sister … [Read more...]
How to create a spiritual home with a child-friendly meditation circle
by guest author Jenifer Parker, owner of Healium Yoga Studio in Wellington They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but it can be a struggle to find the right village! We are blessed that there are many secular villages in which we can participate, like our play groups and parent meetings with thosewho practice attachment parenting techniques, but we have really struggled to find the right spiritual home for our family. Both my husband and I were raised in religious … [Read more...]
How yoga helped me… recover from drug and alcohol addiction
This is an on-going series of yoga stories from readers about how yoga has made a difference their life. To contribute your story, click here. Submitted by Clare S. (not her real name) of New Zealand Coming from a dysfunctional family, it is not really a surprise that I got involved with punk rockers and street kids in my early teens. I felt a sense of belonging, I was needed. I brought them food and snuck them home for showers and meals. It didn't take long for me … [Read more...]
How yoga helped me… stand tall, both literally and emotionally
This is an on-going series of yoga stories submitted by Yoga Lunchbox readers. Tell us how yoga changed your lift here. By Anonymous I’ve been a sporty type for 10 years or so now I go through phases of running, biking, and weight training. Over the last 5 years I’ve found yoga and since then it has typically part been part of my weekly routine. I’m prone to very bad posture and yoga has taught me to be aware of my body. More specifically, it has helped me become aware of how nice … [Read more...]
Yoga trippy – an Indian viewpoint of Western Yoga
an essay by guest author Ali Halle Tilley Yoga is an ancient practice, which can bring transformation and liberation to the disillusioned, disenfranchised masses[1] of the Technological Age by combining universal moral codes and postural sequences, with breathing and meditation techniques. One main challenge for yoga practiced in the West, however, is the contagion of consumerism where yoga students and teachers buy into what is currently fashionable and dismiss what is genuine. This … [Read more...]
Everything is stable… until it’s not
by guest author Katie Lane What the Christchurch earthquake is teaching me about stability. Just when I thought I’d found my roots...the ground shook. AGAIN. Tuesday morning, 11.32am. The biggest aftershock I felt since our original 7.1 magnitude earthquake in early September. Compared to the BIG event, this shake was minor. However, a 5.0 on any scale is really no small thing! The woman I was talking with on the phone started to cry and hung up the apologizing that she needed to call her … [Read more...]
Learning to soften
by guest blogger Lia Aprile of Shanti-Town If you've got your own website and would like to write a guest article for The Yoga Lunchbox on anything related to yoga or meditation, get in touch. I have recently started a meditation practice. Again. I am several weeks in at this point, and things have been going pretty well so far, but the last week of this new-found practice has coincided with a particularly rigorous yoga schedule (there's some ass-kicking virus going around, … [Read more...]
Is regular yoga practice a good way to lose weight? Part II
by guest author Jude Mahood, nutritionist and yoga teacher The first part of this article described the way yoga practice is thought to result in weight loss. In summary, weight loss may be the direct result of vigorous regular practice or it may be indirectly related to the cultivation of mindfulness. An important point to reiterate is that successful weight loss is more likely to happen if yoga practice is combined with sound weight loss strategies. I have to be very clear at the … [Read more...]