by new columnist Gabrielle Harris, The Suburban Yogini It’s 5.30 am, I’m up to do some serious breathing. It feels virtuous and good to be up at this time, just like a real yogi, however I do note that not even the birds seem to be breathing at this hour. But I’m a yogini and I’m on a mission - to find out more about Pranayama and its reported effects. I read somewhere that you should aim for at least 5 minutes breathing, 10 minutes meditation and 20 minutes asana in your morning … [Read more...]
Yoga morning glories – what’s your practice look like?
by guest author Jenifer Parker, Healium Yoga Studio, Wellington If you are reading this in an email or on a mobile device and can't see any of the videos, please click here to read the article on the website. Recently, this video from Equinox has been floating around the web. Love it or hate it, it made me laugh. At myself. You see, this is not what I look like in the AM practicing yoga. And, I like practicing in the morning, but i'm all kinds of. . . well, you'll see. I just … [Read more...]
The Yoga of Business: Goals, Clarity, Values & Commitment, Part 4
by guest author Jenifer Parker, business owner of Healium, Wellington Consistency Makes It Happen Once you have all of these elements coming together -- a specific, defined goal; clarity around the values on which the business is formed; and a commitment to that goal as a business -- then the only thing that prevents a person from becoming successful is a lack of consistency. I have a friend who set up a yoga studio, hiring other teachers and running a beautiful little business. Things … [Read more...]
From Rock ‘n Roll to mind control, a tale of meditation sound creation
by guest author Jen Hall, of Venture Beyond Ever wondered who the musicians are behind those soothing and relaxing Healing Sounds CDs? Here's the tale of one such musician, a Kiwi boy no less, born and bred in Wellington, one Dave Marrett. Back in 1975, Dave boarded the ‘Oriana’ and set sail for Sydney, chasing a dream ofcombing his natural flair for electronics with his love of music. He'd already done the hard yards, spending years cycling 10km to violin lessons in Upper Hutt. All … [Read more...]
The Yoga of Business: Goals, Clarity, Values & Commitment, Part 3
by guest author Jenifer Parker, business owner of Healium, Wellington Committing to Your Goal Of course, a lot of people have goals, even specific ones with well-laid plans and a great deal of clarity around their purpose, that still don't succeed. Why is this? A lot of people look at goals as rather personal endeavors that are easy-come, easy-go -- like New Year's resolutions. They don't affect anyone but you, right? So, you don't get the goal, it doesn't really matter. You can … [Read more...]
Nadine Fawell shares why Yoga is her chosen faith
by guest author Nadine Fawell, a Melbourne-based yoga teacher, blogger, and author of the yogAttitude cards. She is most interested in yoga's power to heal body, mind, and spirit. I’ve just come back from leading a yoga retreat in Bali. I got on the airplane feeling anxious, for all sorts of reasons: I was about to shoot my first yoga DVD: strong*stretched*serene (which put me so far out of my comfort zone, I couldn’t even see the horizon), I didn’t know whether the hotel would take good care … [Read more...]
The Yoga of Business: Goals, Clarity, Values & Commitment, Part 2
by guest author Jenifer Parker, business owner of Healium, Wellington Clarity Drives the Process As we have all experienced, sometimes goals do not come to fruition even when they are specific. They can be ridiculously detailed and give a clear way to success, but still fail spectacularly. And sometimes -- as many of us have experienced in the yoga world -- these businesses succeed financially, while undermining the very values that we claim to hold and espouse as yoga … [Read more...]
The Yoga of Business: Goals, Clarity, Values & Commitment, Part 1
by guest author Jenifer Parker, business owner of Healium, Wellington In recent weeks, numerous blogs around the web have brought up issues around yoga and business. For many, the common perspective is that yoga and business don't mix, and that going into business with yoga not only denigrates yoga but makes it impossible to be a "true" teacher of yoga. My perspective, however, is that by running any yoga teaching as a business, you better embody the principles of yoga in practice, or … [Read more...]
Learning to wait, and wait, and wait some more
by guest author Nadine Fawell, a Melbourne-based yoga teacher, blogger, and author of the yogAttitude cards. She is most interested in yoga's power to heal body, mind, and spirit. I was very sick a while back. I was too ill to leave the house for three weeks, and, two moths later, I am still coughing. When I went to the Doctor, she told me, “It’s a virus. I can’t do anything for you: go home and sleep it off.” I am, essentially, convalescing. I can’t walk too far or too fast, I get … [Read more...]
A curious approach to sitting and back-bending
By guest author Oli Wiles, Free to Move Find sthira sukham at your desk and on the mat A friend recently posted a pic on Facebook of his 3-month-old boy sitting propped up on a sofa. The caption read: "Propped up at 3 months, eventually he toppled." It got me thinking about sitting and back-bending … Now, as you sit at your desk, it is likely that the muscles of your back are stopping you from toppling into the keyboard. In playing this important role, however, parts of your back … [Read more...]