by Kara-Leah Grant I had a moment on Sunday when I hated myself. Or at least, hated an aspect of myself, for I recognise that it is not the Self I am hating, but a shadow that lives within. This particular shadow is the controlling, wrathful, angry, tense, uptight aspect of me. Here's how this unfolded on Sunday. I felt amazing in the early morning, dancing to my favourite music in the kitchen while washing dishes. Housework + epic music + dancing is one of my favourite household … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2017
The Community Speaks: How Has Yoga Changed Your Relationship With Your Body?
by Lucinda Staniland Bodies are strange things. They are our home—our only means of experiencing and connecting with the world—and yet many of us are profoundly disconnected and cut off from the lived experience of the body. Add to that our collective obsession with the superficial experience of the body, and the relationship becomes even more confusing and complex. We wanted to know how the yoga community are responding to this challenge, so we asked a group of NZ and Australian yoga … [Read more...]
OWN IT – Embracing Motherhood as Path
by Cathryn Monro, Spilt Milk Yoga What does self-knowledge mean? What is inner work and how do we DO it? How does one actually self-transform? Motherhood is like the most intense, long haul retreat you could ever go on; you meet your best and your worst behaviours, and no matter what you have to show up every day and be “Mum”, even when you don’t feel up to it. And yet, it’s especially when we don’t feel up to it that we have an opportunity to find a new way forward. If we choose to … [Read more...]
How to Connect with the Energy of the Divine Feminine
by Kara-Leah Grant I'm leading a Women's Circle at Power Living Wellington on July 8th where I've promised that women will learn how to embody and evoke the energy of Maha Shakti - one aspect of the Divine Feminine - through the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation. But what does that mean? I feel the energy of Shakti in me when I practice, when I walk, when I dance, when I write, when I make love. She is always there, within, only a breath away from my awareness. But how do … [Read more...]
Time to Thrive: How I Learned to Take Deep Care of My Body, Heart & Mind
by Kelly Fisher Our lives are so out of synch with nature; it's no wonder that sub-par health and even chronic degenerative diseases are the new norm. Diabetes, autoimmune disorders, adrenal issues, thyroid conditions, weight issues, menopausal issues, post-partum issues, insomnia, perpetual exhaustion… the list goes on. Chances are you know someone who suffers from at least one of these things, and maybe a few of you know someone for each of the above. Even those of us who consider ourselves … [Read more...]
Is It Normal To Feel Tired All The Time? How I Embraced Darkness & Found Deep Rest
by Lucinda Staniland I’ve been practicing yoga for eight years, and while I’ve experienced many benefits from a regular practice, deep sleep hasn’t been one of them. Despite my daily home yoga practice—and the deep relaxation and release that it enables—until recently, a really good night’s sleep was an elusive thing for me. Let me get this straight; I've never been an insomniac. I've never experienced the terror of a full blown sleep disorder or extreme sleep deprivation. But I do know what … [Read more...]