by Kara-Leah Grant Oh God do I need to cultivate tapas right now. Or I am cultivating it. Or the cultivation of it is serving me. Or something. I'm over-whelmed, emotional, stressed out and just want to get off this damn computer and go sit under a tree. (Notice the shift from Wednesday's post on self-realisation? Welcome to duality people!) It's two days until book launch and I have a mountain of things to do but I'm staying with family and also want to see them and I have a … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2013
What does ‘Yoga is a path to self-realisation’ mean?
By Kara-Leah Grant It's the eve of my book launch and I'm watching a talk on TED called The Gift of Asking. Earlier, I took time to sit on the front deck of my Aunt's house, high on a hill over looking Thames and watched the sun set. The views were panoramic, the insect life vibrant and lyrical, and as I sat I felt profoundly connected. I felt, in my bones, a sense of achievement and accomplishment as I realised I'd done it; I'd come back from insanity - all the way back. For the first time, I … [Read more...]
How to use Mula Bandha (root lock) to strengthen every pose
by guest author Carol Lux, The Yoga Life Next time you attempt Wheel Pose (back bend or Urdhva Dhanurasana) tell yourself; “Lock Mula Bandha!” You won’t believe the difference it will make. Like magic your core will strengthen, your chest and pelvis will rise toward the ceiling and your arms will feel light and airy. I hear you asking; “What miracle worker could this Mula Banhda be?” Let me tell you a little story. One day I found myself at an Ashtanga workshop and we were all … [Read more...]
I can do it. (And so can you)
By Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat Oh yes... the pressure has been on this week. I leave this Saturday for Auckland in preparation for launching Forty Days of Yoga at the International Yoga Conference Festival next Friday. My book hasn't gone to print yet. There's been issues with corrupted files. Scheduling difficulties with layout folk and designers. Couriers that don't deliver. Trimming accidents. And finally, font issues on the print proof. It's to be expected. There's always … [Read more...]
How to bring a dragonfly back to life
By Kara-Leah Grant, Yesterday Samuel and I went for our usual morning walk around the boardwalk. As I pushed his pram down the dusty trail beside the river I started and stopped. Was that a dead dragonfly on the trail? I doubled-back and carefully picked up a grey, wizened and dusty dragonfly and placed it on the palm of my left hand to show Samuel. I was startled when the dragonfly moved one leg out into a more comfortable position and I realized it wasn't dead - at least, not entirely. We … [Read more...]
How to conquer your monkey brain and calm your world
by guest author Carol Lux, The Yoga Life Remember those horrible flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz? Now picture those ghastly villains taking control of your brain. What a horrible nightmare that would be! So what does it feel like when a Flying Monkey Brain has taken up residence in your mind? Surprisingly, you may know the feeling well. Think of the last time your thoughts were so scattered, your mind so incessantly busy, that you just lost control over what is happening now. You … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Practicing Yoga While Watching TV
By Kara-Leah Grant During class on Wednesday, as we moved from posture to posture, I drew my students attention to the way they were beginning to intuitively move their bodies in counterposes and releases after a more intense posture. They weren't thinking about it, it was just happening as their body moved spontaneously and they followed along. One of my students looked up and exclaimed: That's what's happening when I watch TV now! A-ha! One benefit of practicing yoga while watching TV is … [Read more...]
The pros and cons of growing up as a yogini’s daughter
by guest author Jacinta Aalsma A question that pops up regularly for most yogis and yoginis is; 'How long you have been practising yoga?' I don’t have a clear memory of when I started practising or when I undertook that first life changing yoga class. I’ve been brought up with yoga, because my mum has been a yogini and yoga teacher for as long as I remember. Often, the assumption is therefore made that I’m super bendy and flexible and that I would make a great yoga teacher. After all, … [Read more...]
There is nothing wrong with you. You don’t need fixing
By Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat I wrote this article about four weeks ago. It's an example of how subtle our layers of reality are. It starts with a story I'm telling about my life and about myself. Out of that story, I extrapolate an unconscious belief, identifying this belief as something that needs fixing, changing, letting go, or releasing so my conscious reality will change. This has been a useful process that's helped me heal much over the last few years. Yet this process … [Read more...]
How to anchor your home yoga practice
By Kara-Leah Grant, author of Forty Days of Yoga If you prefer to video to reading, check out the ten minute video at the end of this article. The whole premise of Forty Days of Yoga is built on the idea that by letting go of our fixed ideas of what a yoga practice is we can find a practice that works for our life and our lifestyle. It's about being kind and compassionate to yourself and working with what you needs. However, the flip side of this approach is that it can be easy to … [Read more...]