In Buddhist practice, the three jewels of life – or the three refugees – are what you turn to for support, for guidance, and for friendship.
These are:
- The Buddha nature – the ideal or highest spiritual potential that exists within all beings.
- The Dharma – the teachings of Buddha, or the path one walks in following the teachings.
- And finally, Sangha – the community of other spiritual folk walking that same path, albeit in their own individual way.
While these are Buddhist concepts, they apply equally to those on the yogic path.
Of these three jewels, one can be understood, one can be learned and lived, but the last one – sangha – has to be created. It is the most precious jewel of all. And it was the jewel sparkling in the sun this weekend in Wellington.
Everyone will have had their own experience of sangha this weekend – mine began with my Saturday morning Prana Flow Yoga class. Some 18 yogis, including three newbies, rocked up and gave their heart and soul to the practice. There was laughter and giggles, determination and diligence, flow and freedom.
Afterward, as always, plenty of conversations. The regulars keep coming, and add so much vibrancy to the class. The newbies keep showing up, bringing something different every time. And every week, I feel so blessed to teach for such a wonderful group of people. It was a lovely way to start the weekend. But there was more to come…
Saturday afternoon was dedicated to 350, and if you haven’t yet checked out the website and been blown away by the number of events that happened around the world in honour of advocating for climate change, go take a look. Here in Wellington, I was involved in The Big Stretch – a free outdoor yoga class.
Marianne Elliot had organised a sound system, a photographer and a videographer (so watch out for photos and video coming soon) and we rocked up to Frank Kitts Park at about 1pm and started setting up. The tunes were soon pumping, and we were warming up on the grass. So much fun to practice outside in a public space!
By kick-off time at 3pm, 50 yogis had joined us including a handful of kids – nothing like watching two year olds do downward dog to make you smile!
It was such a joy to teach in that environment, and as Marianne, Bridget Kelly and I led everyone through, we even had people spontaneously join us during the class. Great way to introduce yoga to people who’d never think about going to a studio. We’ll definitely be exploring the possibility of doing more outdoor yoga over the summer. Afterwards, people chatted and caught up, made plans and shared smiles, and scooted over to join the huge human sculpture of a giant Kiwi.
I met a few of my The Yoga Lunchbox subscribers in person – always a wonderful thing, and picked up some great tips for creating/finding the best ‘Find a Yoga Event in NZ’ tool.
Yet the yoga wasn’t yet over for the day… it was off to a friend’s house in Hataitai where 39 (!) of us squeezed into a lounge for some Kirtan led by Tyag Fenton and Peter Fernando. Kirtan is a devotional, heart opening practice and after about 90 minutes of joyous chanting, boy could you feel the love! Plus the best thing about going to a pot luck with other yogis and meditators is that the food rocks… there was a spread worthy of Cuisine Magazine.
It was in his introduction to Kirtan that Tyag spoke about the Three Jewels, and how precious sangha is. Looking around the room, and reflecting on the day I’d had, it was so clear of the truth of his words.
Walking a spiritual path is not easy (at the start anyway, it gets easier and easier). It calls on us to let go of so much of what society holds to be of value. As we change, we can often come into conflict with those nearest and dearest to each other. It can be easy to toss in the towel… but once you’ve opened the door to the possibility of awakening, it can never ever truly be shut. You’ll always know there’s another way to live.
Sangha provides you with support and sustenance through those tough times. Being with people who can understand your changing perspective on life is validating and up-lifting. Those of us who choose to follow this path are in the minority at the moment. We are swimming up stream against a culture saturated in materialism, indulgence of the senses, repression, binge-drinking, violence, individualism, fear, victimhood, and egoism. it’s easy to get caught in the current and start drifting and before you know it… you’re headed out to sea.
Many of us know there must be another way to live.
We know that feeling the way we often do isn’t the way life’s meant to be. We know there must be more to life. But we don’t always know how to get there… or even what there is. Building a spiritual community like the one I’m part of in Wellington is like shining a beacon out into the night. People see the light and they want to know what you’ve got – because they want it too.
That was clear to me on Sunday.
Chilling at the beach with a yogi friend, we had the tunes cranked and spied the perfect place for some spontaneous Prana Flow. So out came the yoga mat for him, and just the wood deck for me and we grooved away to the music, doing our own blend of yoga. The sun was shining, our view was the ocean, the music was soul-warming. And we were just feeling the goodness.
People were wandering by at various stages, kids were fascinated and the general comment was “right on, that’s awesome!”.
And to me, that’s what bringing yoga to the people is all about.
It’s about being part of a heart-warming sangha that provides support, laughter, direction and friendship. It’s about feeling free to take yoga, be yoga, wherever the day calls for it. It’s about living and breathing from the heart and soul, and sharing this with as many people as possible.
Watching the slide show of photos on 350 this morning, my whole body came out in goosebumps. We’re in a new era of mass communication where we can connect to each other through media and the internet in ways never before possible. An idea, a feeling, a mood can sweep a nation and the globe in a heartbeat – so why not love & connection?
This sangha we’re building here in Wellington, here in New Zealand, it may start small.
It may be 39 people in a lounge.
It may be 50 people at an outdoor yoga class.
It may be two friends grooving it down at the beach.
But people will see it.
And even more powerfully, people will feel it.
We don’t have to say a word, we don’t have to preach, we don’t have to try and convert people.
That way is over.
All we have to do is be our yoga.
Whole-heartedly and soul-singingly be love and connection.
Because who isn’t attracted to love and connection?
Who doesn’t want to feel more love and connection in their life?
Hell, I know I do. Dish me up a double-dollap and load on the cream please!
This is a whole new way to live.
A way of heart, a way of soul, a way of love and laughter.
And it’s a way that’s open to anyone.
Wanna come for a ride?
Amen sister. Love.
Sweet write-up KL:)
The Sangha Jewel: The connection I was feeling when 40 odd faces were looking back at me was…..this is precious. This means so much more than meeting up for a chat and chai (which is also awesome btw). Its irrevelevant whether I know these peoples, their name and rank.
The unspoken clarity of seeing, the respect and at base level, really love…I felt that. I believe you guys did too.
To more Sangha goodness;)
Cheers Tyag 🙂
There’s definitely something magical being created with this Wellington Sangha or ours – and I think the kirtan is a big part of it for sure.