by guest author Jude Mahood, Suburban Yoga, Dunedin I recently heard someone describe Yoga/Pilates fusion (or Yogalates as it is often called) as the coming together of natural soul mates. I couldn’t agree more. But there are still many people out there who think that bringing Pilates principles into their Yoga is somehow tainting or contaminating. There is nothing wrong with being purist in our thinking, but it’s also important to maintain an open mind. When we close our minds, we close … [Read more...]
Is regular yoga practice a good way to lose weight? Part II
by guest author Jude Mahood, nutritionist and yoga teacher The first part of this article described the way yoga practice is thought to result in weight loss. In summary, weight loss may be the direct result of vigorous regular practice or it may be indirectly related to the cultivation of mindfulness. An important point to reiterate is that successful weight loss is more likely to happen if yoga practice is combined with sound weight loss strategies. I have to be very clear at the … [Read more...]