by Kara-Leah Grant Recently I received an email from a woman I have mentored through my Forty Day Process. She asked: Ok, ethics! I have a question for you and I have never thought of asking this of any of my other teachers in the past! I have a student who was just here practicing with me in Mexico. Here is where I don't know what is right from what is wrong. I intend to support her and take her through the home practice and also to get her on the 1 Giant Mind app so she will have two … [Read more...]
On the importance of closing energy leaks in the system
by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat On Tuesday, in conversation with Lucinda, my super-duper virtual assistant, I noted that of the 1200 subscribers to The Monthly Digest, 378 had never opened an newsletter. It's no surprise really - we live in a world saturated with information, and many of us are in total overwhelm. The quantity of stuff and ideas and articles and videos and books and e-courses and e-books available to us is staggering. We say yes just in case we miss something … [Read more...]
Applying the third yama, Asteya (non-stealing), to daily life
by Kara-Leah Working with a different yama each week has been far tougher than I ever thought. It feels like each one is showing me yet another way in which I create suffering from myself. Problem is, the patterns of behaviour are so subtle and so ingrained that perceiving them is one thing, changing them is another. Asteya, or non-stealing, has shown up in all kinds of unexpected ways for me. Far more than just refraining from stealing material items, Asteya also means not taking … [Read more...]
What’s yoga got to do with climate action?
Well, plenty actually. And this is the perfect time to write about that connection. One, it's International Blog Action Day, when bloggers around the world write about one topic that matters - this year the environment. And two, next Saturday October 24th is International Climate Action Day, also happening worldwide. Here in Wellington, there will be meditation at Frank Kitts Park all day, and The Big Stretch - a free yoga class at 3pm. We want to get as many yogis to the free yoga … [Read more...]
How yoga helps unleash the power of truth in your life
By Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat It is so common to lie in our day-to-day lives that most of us don't even know we're doing it. It is so acceptable to withhold truth in order to gain advantage that it's considered good business practice or smart politics. Truth is seen as something that gets in the way of a good sale, it gets in the way of what we want to do, or where we want go. Truth is simply, as Al Gore put it - inconvenient. It is true that we can not sustain the lifestyle … [Read more...]
On moving toward a world with no moral codes, rules or regulations
There is no authority that exists, or need exist externally from our Selves. We need no moral code. We need no rules. We need no regulations. All we need is be completely honest with ourselves (conscious!) and understand the implications of our actions. All we need is to understand and know that we are a part of the Whole, and anything we do to another we do to ourselves because we are all One. … [Read more...]