Whether you’re brand new to Yoga, or just want to dive a little deeper into what you already know or do, our collection of Starting Yoga articles will rapidly expand your understanding of the essential Yoga practices and concepts.
Here you’ll find the answers to all your yoga questions, big and small:
“What style of Yoga is best for me?“
“Am I flexible enough to do Yoga?“
“What should I do in my home Yoga practice?”
“How long should I meditate for?“
And many, many more…
You can navigate Starting via the sub-categories below, or by the article grid under that. We’ve also included some videos related to Starting down below.
Expect to be surprised, nourished, challenged and encouraged by the writing and videos you find here. My greatest hope is that they will become powerful fuel for your Yoga journey.
With love,
Lucinda, Editor of The Yoga Lunchbox
Everything you need to know about the foundations of the practice
A variety of yoga practices—including meditation, pranayama, asana, energetic practices & chanting—that are suitable for yogis of all levels.
Going to Class
Going to Class
There are good yoga classes, bad yoga classes and everything in between. Yogis share their experiences of going to class.
With so many styles of yoga out there, how do you know which one is for you?
Home Practice
Resources & Reviews
Resources & Reviews
A selection of useful resources to kick-start your yoga practice: videos, articles, how-to guides & more.
Starting • Most Recent Articles