I have a huge confession to make.
I don’t want the responsibility for The Yoga Lunchbox anymore, and I don’t know what to do about this.
Because even though I don’t want responsibility for the website anymore… the website isn’t just about me.
It’s a community website, and it’s taken input from the community to create such an amazing resource for the yoga community.
There’s been all kinds of people who’ve contributed to The Yoga Lunchbox – regular writers like Alys and Jessica, occasional writers like Melissa Billington and Swami Muktidharma, all the yoga teachers who’ve submitted yoga teacher profiles, people who’ve offered free products to giveaway like Peter Fernando and Swami Govindananda, studio owners and teachers who’ve championed the site and loyal readers and subscribers who’ve commented and supported all the way along.
Acknowledging my heart-felt truth felt like I was letting all of these people down.
But I have to say it.
This knowingness has been with me since about January, and I’ve hedged around it in numerous ways trying to find solutions – like bringing on other people to help me publish the website, and creating more spaciousness by publishing less articles.
Neither of these worked though, as the buck always stops with me.
I’m the person receiving the emails from people wanting help with this aspect of their yoga practice, or that aspect of their teaching, wanting me to do this for them, or do that for them. I’m the person dealing with the social media aspects of the websites, the design of the website, the advertising of the website, the everything of the website.
And I don’t want to be responsible for this anymore. There are other projects tugging at my heartstrings. I need to clear my energetic space.
When the website crashed earlier this year, my gut response?
Fuck it, keep it down.
I was totally overwhelmed with the thought of trying to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it. Fortunately for the YLB community, I found a great tech guy who was able to get it sorted for something like $100US – big money for me at the time with little income, and gratefully paid just for someone else to take responsibility.
And yet, when the website was back up, I didn’t take action based on my gut response. Nope, I edged away from that searing truth that I just didn’t want responsibility for The Yoga Lunchbox anymore.
I have toyed with the idea of selling the website, but based on traffic and sold ads, I don’t know how much value the site actually has. Sure, there’s a huge amount of original content worth it’s weight in gold… but that’s not what determines sale prices. Plus once I go… there goes your main producer of said-gold-plated content.
This subconscious fear that something I’ve poured my heart and soul into is essentially worthless in the marketplace has also created a stickiness for me. An unwillingness to acknowledge the truth and trust the process. An unwillingness to truly let go.
As a result of these conflicting feelings, my writing has been less gold-plated and more iron-plated lately. I haven’t felt inspired, nor connected, and after last week’s ill-considered article (rescued by it’s insightful comments), I realised that my unconscious reluctance to embrace the truth of my feelings around the website were beginning to affect my writing for it.
I mean, a key component of my writing has always been authentic, honesty.
I can’t edge away from the truth anymore.
Nor am I going to try and find solutions.
I don’t know what to do.
I see four possibilities, and suspect what happens will be some variation of one or more of these.
- Sell the website, to those who will respect and honour it’s community
- Give the website away, to those who will respect and honour it’s community
- Archive the site but keep it up on the ‘net, kinda like a museum people can still check out.
- Take the website down.
Whatever ends up happening, I’ll be honoring all commitments to advertisers. Beyond that… I’m totally letting go, and being upfront about the fact that I want to be completely free of all responsibility for The Yoga Lunchbox.
I’m inviting you, as The Yoga Lunchbox community to offer your insights, thoughts, comments and feelings. I’m really curious to see what might come up!
Babe! You’re engaged in a wrestling match with your mind, and it’s so unnecessary! When you are connected to the Now, you remember that there is only abundance! So if not doing the website is what your truth is then put that out there and leave it at that. Working out the finer details is up to your Source, and your Source has so many and much more resources at its disposal to work this out for you. Every time you come to think about your desire (to not be doing the website), only bring in positive feelings with these thoughts (you may have to, kindly, lay down the law with your mind and commit to practising this-and not giving up straight away). Every time you think about your desire and ‘bad’ feelings are present, and you’re struggling to bring in the love, then distract yourself immediately until you can bring in those ‘good’ feelings and attach them to the thought/desire. Also remember that what you do in your life is about you, I really don’t mind at all if the website isn’t opperating, don’t get me wrong – I love it and always read it – but girlsie, the purpose of Life is to experience Joy through the Human Experience and the expansion of our desires realized. Go back to Eckhart (Tolle) and listen to what he says about identifying with the egoic mind, then look into Abraham-Hicks and get your self back into the zone yo! Relax, and realize that no-ones going to jade you out for doing what feels right for you (and if they do you will know that they are simply stuck in what I can the ‘scarcity mind-set’ and you will be untouched by it and even feel compassion for them), you just need to state your terms without the guilt, so dig around inside for some gumption girl!
Hey Morgan,
So a vote for archiving then?
I vote for standing in your power and doing WHATEVER it is YOU want to do, without the angst. It seems to me this is more a practise of trusting your own connection to Life, and stepping into your Power. I may be wrong, and that’s ok, but I understand your feelings and I know that…it’s exhausting. I feel for you Kara-Leah.
We love your site and what you’ve done for the community….how about a link to paypay? Going global?
Hey Nigel,
I’m not sure why you’re suggesting a link to Paypal? And the website is global – more then half of it’s traffic comes from outside NZ, with a sizable American following.
Sorry to be a ‘downer’ on this comment but….having been someone who has, at various times, attached myself to the ideas of ‘universal abdundance’, ‘trusting the source’, ‘identifying with the egoic mind’, ‘being true to myself’ and so on and so on, I have to say that i feel a lot of this kind of thinking is an excuse for facing up to the actual responsibilities in your life! I feel as though one of the big problems facing our generation/society at the moment is people being unable to face up to the responsibilities of life and feeling as though we ‘deserve more’.
As nice, and idealistic, as this sounds i am afraid that hard times, emotional pain, bad decisions, difficult work, disillusion, crisis and loss of ‘identity’ are all a part of life, and in many ways, the biggest teachers in life. If things were all roses and ‘following our hearts’ where would the learning come in? Funnily enough, i am going through a stage in my life where i am feeling a tad ‘disillusioned’ and the initial desire is to run away (ie: ‘follow my heart’) or to make some dramatic change and so on. However, i am pretty sure that if i did this, shirked my responsibilities and turned my back on the situations i have willingly allowed myself to be placed in, just because things are a bit ‘hard’ at the moment, then i will simply have to go through it all again – in this life, or the next – and it would probably be 10 times harder because i didn’t deal with it when i had the chance. I too, own a business, with my husband, that we have been trying to build up and turn into a conscious and eco-minded place that also provides us with a living. This is bloody hard work! And requires so much sacrifice and compromise, every day. And we would love to leave this behind now and ‘follow our hearts’ toward something we would rather now do however 1. As is the case with one of the comments below, our business doesn’t make a large (if any) profit so we would probably hardly get anything for it even though we have poured our hearts and souls into it for 7 years. This is a hard thing to come to terms with but something we are working on, and 2. The attraction toward doing something else often simply does not live up to expectations because the lessons we have to learn and the difficulties we have to face are here for us right now, and running away to do something else is not going to make those things go away.
My point and case is the example of people running from one relationship to the next, always looking for something better when the current relationship gets a bit difficult. But what about sticking at it (providing no one person is hurting the other) and working at it and growing as an individual and as a unit and facing the crap along with the good times and realising that it makes you a more complete person, wiser and more resiliant? Why is everything suddenly so replacable? Why are we so impatient and so ready to walk away and ‘follow our hearts’ to a place of more happiness and satisfaction? What could be more satisfying than sticking it out, compromising with life/your partner/your children/your teacher/your family/ your community, becoming humble and willingly participating in the lessons the universe has demmed we need to learn? Hmmmmm, yes, this could perhaps be seen as a bit gloomy, boring, old fashioned and certainly not ‘new age’ but it could also be seen as responsible, on a level that is goes further than just self gratification but also leads to that in the end.
I hope this does not cause offence to Morgan Howie as this is not meant as an attack on her or her outlook on life and it also does not really give any opinion on what Kara-Leah should do in regards to her current dilemma – it’s just some musings and some thoughts and some comments. this is a comments page after all! Nameste
Wow, thanks Jessica for your beautiful words. I agree there is an element of sitting with the hard times in order to pass through to a more compassionate response of a situation.
I received a beautiful quote from a friend recently in relation to my own letting go process. Kara-Leah, I think you will enjoy these words from Zen teacher Darlene Cohen:
Having sat with you Kara-Leah for the last six months as you’ve looked at every angle to find peace within your self for what life might look like and hold for you, I want to say publicly that I really admire the steps you’re taking, and the honesty in which you share your process with the world. And I’m really happy to see the community hold space for this process to unfold.
Much blessings to you, sista.
Thanks Alys! And yeah, great quote… we can feel it when we’re being sucked in a direction… and yet still kick out in resistance, time and time again… I’d like to think I resist less now, flow more…
Hey Jessica,
I’m trying to make sense of your comment and figure out if you’re telling me something, or just getting a lot of emotion off your chest.
I guess it doesn’t really matter.
The cherry blossom falls in springtime.
Good on you for facing your truth, sometimes the biggest barrier to obtaining the best you can, is obtaining something that is really cool and comfortable.
If you can find a way, I’d like it if the site remained archived so that the information is still living out there – I think the way you have shared your Yoga journey is inspiring to others who may recognise what they went/are going through.
But it’s not about me, and if I wake up in the morning and it’s down, I’ll know you’ve breathed it out!
Hey Kim,
Great! Thanks for your feedback. If there are no appropriate offers to buy/take-over the site, my preference is to archive it so the information stays available.
Hey KL, you have focused on what you don’t want and you are wrestiling with what to do with what you have. How about an article on what you want for yourself…
Hey Kavita,
I do know exactly what I want, although I haven’t referenced it in this article, as I wanted to focus on informing the YLB community of where I am at, so the community can collectively decide what it would like to do with the YLB.
are u keeping ur kara-leah site?
Hey Adan,
Yes. Part of the energetic clearing is giving me the space to fully be with this site.
Hey K-L
I feel for you! The idea that something into which you have poured your heart and soul should be ‘worthless in the marketplace’ can be quite searing – and we all know how hard you have worked at this. But I hope you also know how much the yoga community has loved this resource and appreciated what you have been doing. Whatever happens now is fine – we love you for doing what you’ve done and only want what’s best for you.
One other thought – as a studio owner who has poured her heart ands soul into her business for 11 years now I wonder what my school would be worth in the marketplace today? What value could be placed on the studio’s reputation? Maybe all we will ever really reap is the vast satisfaction we have had over the years of running a successful operation.
Hey Sue,
You raise such a great point. If you did want to sell your studio, does it have any value? I hadn’t considered that… I guess because I assumed with a client base, money coming in, & reputation there must be some value. But maybe not huh?
Thanks so much for our kind & supportive words.
I have some insight here, entirely boring and pragmatic.
When valuing a business, it is typically the profit margin for the past year (possibly two). That’s usually the base value.
If there is no profit margin, then it goes to being the value of the assets: chattels, the lease for the premises, the branding (and brand recognition), and any contracts of value (corporate clients, subleases or rental agreements, etc).
Depending upon the market, and how quickly and desperately someone wants out/in, one may get considerably less or considerably more than the market value.
But, the profit margin is the easiest measure. (of course, one has to look out for cooked books.)
Hey Jenifer,
Thanks for the entirely pragmatic view – appreciated!
Kara Leah,
I’m a kiwi who found this website via a yogi friend from New York who I met in India.
How cool is that? You should be proud. You have created a GLOBAL community service for NZ that a lot of us love and it would be a shame for all of us to loose what you have created.
I will confess, I never have time to read all your articles but I read the ones that catch my interest and find they often inspire me or get me thinking. It’s pretty darn cool what you have achieved, you may feel it doesn’t have a high monetary value but it is definitely very valuable in non-monetary terms and it would be a loss if we as a community lost this space.
My advice… find a way to keep the website ticking over so it is less labour intensive for you. That way you get to keep your baby and start moving on to other projects.
My ideas:
Continue to use your contacts and the yoga community and ask people to create articles on your behalf. Don’t feel that you need to be the voice of the yoga lunchbox; as much as we love your writing we don’t mind where the articles come from.
Setup a community forum on the website to enable the community to post yoga questions AND answer them. This means the number of questions you get should start to die down and it gives a place for people to express their thoughts, ask questions and connect in cyberspace. Depending on who uses it, how well its set up…etc it means the knowledge/content on the site will potentially be very rich without any effort by you (look at Wikipedia as an example of something big written by a community).
All you’d need to do is spend some effort setting it up and then find some moderators to keep an eye on it. I think it would keep your visitor numbers fairly high (once it gathers momentum) and will mean you need to publish articles less often.
I’m based in Wellington, if you would like some help bouncing ideas for the website or setting up the forum let me know. I am a Business Analyst by trade, Im pretty crap at development but I am pretty good at coming up with ideas, usability, information management, researching options .etc.. I believe in the yoga lunchbox and would be happy to help keep it in the community. Im also happy to volunteer to be a moderator and keep an eye on the forum while it gets started.
If you do decide that its time to move on from the yoga lunchbox or if you want a partner to share the load, I’d be interested in talking to you. I have no idea how a website like yours costs in time/energy/money so I have no idea if I could afford it, but Im definitely open to thinking about it.
Good luck with the contemplations, its obviously been on your mind for a while.
PS – I love that you are honest with us about how you are feeling about the website, whatever you do will be the right thing for everyone. So don’t stress about it (I am sure you aren’t) -the universe will look after you, it always does.
Have a lovely long weekend.
Hey Julia,
Your finding of the website is very cool!
I appreciate all the ideas you’ve put forward, however I need to be totally energetically clear of the website. I’ve already spent the last five months playing around with ways to reduce workload etc, and in the end, I just need total space.
I’ll send you an email so we can discuss other options though! Great to have you put your hand up and say you’re willing to get involved.
Thank you!
It sounds like you have made up your mind… time to step away from the yoga lunch-box. All good things come to an end. It sounds like its the best thing to do.
Once you have pondered your options drop me a line, perhaps we could meet up. Regardless of what you do with the Yoga Lunchbox I’d be very interested to hear about your experience about setting up and maintaining this site. I’ve had a few ideas on the back-burner and it would be good to hear your experiences. It would also be very nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard good things from lots of lovely people in Wellington.
I think archiving it is a valid option worth considering (much better than deleting it), a lot of the article are timeless and if someone took over the yoga lunchbox it is very likely to change and the Kara-Leah flavour will fade away. So you’d need to be prepared for that.
If you do archive it, you will need to think about what you do with some of the time sensitive material (ie, the contact details on the teacher profiles, events…etc).
Hopefully I will meet you one day soon,
Have a great day
Hey Kara-Leah,
I love what you’ve given us in the YLB but PLEASE, breath it out and away if it is your wish.
If it can be archived to preserve your heartfelt, valuable and most generous contribution to the yoga community, that would be my wish.
What is important now, I believe, is that your vast and wonderful energy can be freed for what needs to come next.
May the new breath, sustain and bless you K-L – we love you x
Hey Rachel,
It is most definitely my wish to breathe it out and away, with gratitude and joy.
I’m hoping that someone will take up the challenge too…. if not, archiving it is!
What about a holiday? Give yourself some space to just ignore the whole thing for a bit. It has been amazing for me to step outside of the yoga world for the last few weeks- no yogis, no studio, no teaching, only my own practice unfolding so beautifully as a private, undiscussed personal loveliness. Who knows what may come in that space?
Hey Emma,
I already have such clarity about my next steps…. all that’s required is clearing out the old to make space…
Follow that heart darlin’! Love to you x
Does a website have to be as interactive as this one – don’t get me wrong, I love it – but most websites just sit there supplying information, with occasional updates and tweakings to keep them up the google ladder.
If just used this as a more passive website as opposed to your (gorgeous) articles, then won’t you keep the advertising income stream, the service to the yoga community, and it’s there and yours if you want to write something. That is not a very yogic comment, but seems to me you can have the best of both worlds. I have two websites, both passive – but get hit constantly, and both serve a valuable purpose.
Hey Shelley,
No, it doesn’t have to be as interactive, and I guess that’s the archiving option. However, there isn’t really any advertising stream to speak of, and the work required to manage the advertising that does come in means it’s definitely not a passive income stream.
So archiving will turn it into a passive website… minus the income stream.
Ditto-ing what Rachel says x
Hi there,
I can totally relate… I poured my heart and soul into my business and it cost me my relationship, and temporarily my sanity and health. But STILL I struggle with the idea of letting it go… I hate the idea of it being “worthless” in monetary terms but now with a few years distance from the bad-old-days I can see that I achieved amazing things that suited the goals I had when I set it up… but life changes, people change, goals change.
In my case I drastically shrunk the business and accompanying website and went to uni – I still run the business in the background, but on my terms. I don’t have any website upkeep and that is the killer – that and constant requests for free information and advice!
But it sounds like you are in a different space and I really think you need to not worry about ceasing operating the website. Maybe someone will take it over, maybe they won’t… but that doesn’t matter because you have experienced the full gamut of the site and now it is time to move on. Archiving sounds good. That’s the beauty of the internet… people in two years time can get the same positive experience of your material as they do today.
You’ve done so well, but now it’s time to do well elsewhere. I wish you all the best and thanks for all you have done.
Hey Linda,
There is no struggle, nor worry. I just wanted to put out the options and allow the community space and time to see what would arise. And yeah, archiving does sound good.
Thanks for the words of support and encouragement, they are much appreciated.
I have to admit that my hackles are raised a little (on KL’s behalf) as I read the comments. She continues to honor her readers years after TYL’s inception by hearing us. Let’s please hear her – and honor her selfless work – by being specific about what you’d like done WITH THE WEBSITE, while recognizing and honoring that her soul whisper is calling her fully away from it.
I would like to see the website archived so that its rich content can be appreciated far into the future. That makes for a clean energetic break while still honoring what it’s done for all of us.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done, for yoga teachers, meditators, readers and fledgling writers. Pranam, pranam, pranam…
Hi Seka,
I’m not really sure there are many options for those of us who don’t want to either buy or run the website.
All that’s left is a) archive it or b) remove it and I’m pretty sure most people would prefer it stays up… so I’m a little bemused at the tone of your posting.
Obviously people are just trying to help with their suggestions and words – I don’t see the need for raised heckles in that. There has been lots of positivity here and that’s a beautiful thing.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the little mirror. My earlier comment was posted from a place of emotion and tiredness rather than mindfulness. It also wasn’t well-explained – an embarrassing mistake for a writer to make!
I agree that there is a lot of positivity and support here, I certainly wasn’t trying to negate that. I guess there were just one or two comments that tasted to me like holding on to something that our author is ready to let go of. And that’s entirely OK, as everyone is in touch with what they’re feeling and how they process.
I guess I’m in my own process of trying to support KL in my own, human (sometimes flawed and emotional) way. In fact, your response has got me thinking about the root of my initial response in ways that I wouldn’t have otherwise.
Thanks again for holding up the mirror. 🙂
KL is very lucky indeed to have such a great friend!
Hey Linda,
As a reader, you don’t necessarily have to be in a position to buy or take over the website in order to suggest those options – it’s still possible to have ideas around those possibilities.
And I have definitely been surprised that there haven’t been more suggestions exploring ideas… like IYTA taking it over, a yoga clothing company taking it over (great free marketing for them), or people asking what it would take for a collective to take it over…
What would it take for a collective to take it over? Don’t mind being a part of that in order to keep the community aspect of the website. Hereby volunteering some time and skills…
Hey Emma,
I’m not sure what it would take… I suspect the work of organising a collective would be as much as the actual work of doing the website… but great to have you put your hand up and will keep you posted!
Hey Seka,
I know exactly what you’re referring to in the comments, and it’s bemused both Alys and I over the last day or two. It’s been a really interesting process to see how everyone’s responded.
A tough decision. I really admire the kind of dedication, love and effort that you have put in to The Yoga Lunchbox so far.
I have this astrology website and I have been thinking to add some content related to astrological remedies and yoga is one of them. May be we could help each other out.
Something like I could use the yoga articles on my website, giving full credit to you and other people involved.
Let me know what you think. All the best 🙂
Hey Arpit,
Thanks for the kind words. However I’m not sure how syndicating content on an astrology website would help me out in any way. You have to explain in more detail why this would be beneficial for me or the YLB.
I would like to buy the website, but my main interest is in the articles that teach and discuss yoga.
I can think of a few benefits:
a) The content would be made available to a much larger audience, and i think it gains much more value when combined with astrology, ayurveda and other spiritual practices. For. e.g. Take Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), its an excellent remedy for people who have a weak Sun in their birth charts or transits.
b) YLB could make better use of the resources available to my website, and more can be added depending on the requirements. It will get more space, attention and grow freely.
c) Everyone will be given full credit to their work.
d) YLB shall become a part of my website, and take up a new name.
I think its a better option than archiving. Take your time and think about it.
I am willing to discuss it further and reach a consensus over price and other terms. Please email me and let me know what you think. Have a great day!! 🙂
Arpit, could you provide a link to your website so that we as the community could get a feel for what else you offer?
Kara-Leah, could you give us an indication of the amount of time you spend per week on admin of the website i.e. sorting out the advertising inquiries, doing the books, other miscellaneous stuff? (Not the actual article writing). I know I’d personally love to do it but don’t have any spare time (much like various members of your audience I’m sure.)
Change is the only constant in life huh!
Pls visit – http://www.ask-oracle.com
I plan to make it into a small social network, that is, profiles, groups, forums. Basically I want to offer people various tools along with supporting articles/resources to help people with their problems. Its a work in progress.
I would also like to invite the community folks here to post relevant articles/services to the Ask Oracle website.
Hey Premratna,
Great question! Of late, I’ve been doing a “bare minimum, keep ‘er ticking over” effort which is probably about ten hours a week. Realistically, for the website to thrive and grow, it likely needs about twice that much.
This includes managing the Twitter account, Facebook, page, advertising, scheduling articles, upgrading plug-ins & themes, back-ups, reaching out to yoga studios/teachers, replying to all Contact emails through the website, monitoring traffic for ideas on what people want/what’s working, strategizing on how to grow, putting those ideas into action.
I’ve also been doing things like guest posting on other yoga blogs like Elephant Journal to raise YLB’s profile, but haven’t included the time this takes.
Hope that gives some idea… it’s really enjoyable work when the time is available, I just hate doing a half-there job like I have been in the last few months. I want to be able to be fully committed, or not at all!
Hey Arpit,
Great, thanks for the extra info, I’ll send you an email.
Hey Kara-Leah – yes, my comment came across a bit ‘squiffy’ as i was actually commenting on the first comment but my comment ended up coming up at the end of all the others so it didn’t really make any sense. But, like you said – doesn’t really matter anyway! If it makes a difference I’d love to see the website continue so am putting in a vote for someone to take it over, either that or archiving. It’s been so nice to get the regular emails and to keep informed about the yoga community in NZ, thanks for all your hard work.
Hey Jessica,
Yeah, there must have been comments before yours needing moderation… hence the order of things.
Thanks for the feedback & encouragement, it’s appreciated!
I definitely vote for at the very least an archive.
I really appreciate the effort that has gone into this site and all the inspiration it has provided.
Thanks Premratna, have appreciated your whole-hearted support all along the way!
Hi KL,
I am a huge fan of this website and of your writing.
Do you have some sort of figure in mind that you would like for the website?
Kind regards,
Hey Alesha,
Great question! It would depend on who was doing the buying, and what they wanted to do with the website.
For the right buyer – i.e. someone who would continue the site in the same spirit and intention as it was founded – something around $20,000 feels about right. This would give them the rights to use all the content to use on the site as is, but not to republish in any other form. I’d retain copywrite of all my work. If however, they wished to publish something like “The Best of YLB”, I’d be open to negotiations on such a project, so they would in effect pay me a royalty to re-publish my work, and take the majority of profits in recognition of their hard work in putting together such a project.
Does that help?
Hi Kara-Leah
I would like to say a big big thank you to you for creating the Yoga Lunchbox, I love it, and always say a big Yay! whenever I see a new article or teacher profile arrive.
I totally understand where you are at, I have been there, as a single mum, working really hard on something and realizing that actually, this is just not what I want, or should be doing any more, isn’t it great when you finally acknowledge it, cos then the process of moving on begins.
I would love to see the site stay live, and I thought about a collective running it, maybe 12 people, 1 month each a year. It would be quite cool if they were yogins and yoginis from all around the country, maybe there could even be travelling NZ yogi and their posts from whats going on in whichever part of the world they are in, it could be a lovely way of knowing what is going on from a ground level perspective around NZ, and also TYL is all about community and with lots of contributing yogis perspectives it would be really really communal!
It may be a totally unrealistic and undoable idea, as you know KL, my knowledge and expertise are definitely not with running a website! Im just putting it out there as I would love to see TYL continue, I remember years ago when I was trying to find Kids Yoga Teacher training in NZ, it was really hard finding that information, this site provides access to all of that type of info for the whole of NZ, what a treasure! My next vote is definitely for the site to be archived, so we can still access all the great articles and information currently here.
Thank you so much for your help last week, I really appreciated your generousness, I wish you all the best with whats coming up for you in your life, and thank you again for providing such an amazing resource to the yoga community.
Om Tat Sat
Hey Jo,
Stay tuned for a follow-up coming soon… it’s been great to get all the feedback and different ideas from people like yourself, and has helped me along in my process. Thanks too for the kind words and encouragement – great to hear!