The power of yoga to improve the quality of life for our children is an untapped resource. by guest author Amanda Reid of Samadhi Yoga Although yoga has enjoyed popularity with adults for many years, it is only recently that we have come to understand how helpful it can be for children in their formative years, increasing their self-awareness, building their self-esteem, and strengthening their bodies - truly a welcomed oasis in a culture that offers little in the way of mindful yet … [Read more...]
How to access infinite energy and prosperity using a sadhana
I'm so excited! Today I started a new sadhana. The results from the last sadhana I did, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya were fantastic, and I'd been waiting for another sadhana to make itself known. What's a sadhana? Simply a daily spiritual practice like meditation done for forty consecutive days. On the weekend, while cleaning out my bedroom, I stumbled across a copy of Infinite Energy and Prosperity Meditation, taken from Anmol Mehta's wonderful website. … [Read more...]
Day 40: Completion of my Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
by Kara-Leah, I've done it! Yes, on Saturday, 94 days after I made a commitment to complete a forty day sadhana, I did my forty days in a row. After a couple of false starts, I was back into it and truly committed. I'd failed once, and knew this time what it took to complete the sadhana. Every day when I woke up, one of my first thoughts was, "When am I going to do my sadhana?" It became the one concrete action in my day that everything else had to bow down to - and this was good. I looked … [Read more...]
What is Ayurveda all about?
In this article David explains his journey into Ayurveda, and it's application to our lives. by Guest Author David Timbs ND, Dip Ayur (India), Dip Acup, BEd One does not discover Ayurveda, or discover that Ayurveda is something removed from whom we are. Ayurveda by definition is “the Science of Life and Longevity”, we are already ‘in’ Ayurveda as long as we are already ‘in’ life. … [Read more...]
My nine favourite places to practice asana, pranayama and meditation
Part of my mission as a yoga teacher and writer is to show people that asana, pranayama and meditation can happen anywhere, anytime - not just in a yoga class, at a yoga studio, in a gym or on your mat at home. Breaking free of our ideas of how asana, pranayama and meditation "should" be practised gets yoga off the mat and integrates it into your everyday daily life. And when you integrate your practice into your everyday, daily life, you will see great gains, giant leaps, and experience … [Read more...]
Why adding Pranayama to your yoga practice is so powerful
One of the most common reasons I hear for why people don't do yoga is that they're "not flexible enough". Aside from the fact that this is exactly why they would get so much out of yoga, I find myself wanting to scream from the rooftops: practicing yoga does not require you to be flexible! When I went to my first class my body was so tight that just to sit on the floor with a straight spine and straight legs, I had to perch up something like four blankets! … [Read more...]
Day 32 to 35: Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
It happened on Thursday. It was the end of the week, as here in New Zealand we celebrate Waitangi Day on February 6th which was Friday last week. I finished work and met my partner at his workplace to catch a ride up to his boss's house to get our car. His boss lives on top of a hill with panoramic views of Wellington, and he invited us in for a drink on the patio. A couple of wines and some conversation later, it was back to our house for a much needed meal. And then, pleasantly … [Read more...]
Day 22 to 31: Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
I'm a-changin'... of that there is no doubt. And it's the most wonderful thing. In situations that I would have run a mile from just three or so weeks ago, I find myself stepping up to the plate, beating heart and all, and dealing with calmly and clearly. This week during my eleven minute practice of sodarshan chakra kriya, I have found myself breathless far more than last week. It's important in pranayama not to force anything, so when I feel breathless, I have a choice. Do I push on … [Read more...]
How to set an intention for your practice
by guest author Kelly Fisher, Urban Yoga, Wellington From a yogic point of view, the process of setting a sankalpa (an intention) goes a little like this. Step one: Set a positive intention, focusing on the results you want, rather than thinking about what you don’t want (as tends to be the case when we set New Year’s resolutions). Step two: Let it go. The Universe conspires on our behalf. Where energy is placed, the Universe augments it. At a workshop I recently attended, Anusara … [Read more...]
Day 15 to 21: Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
Read the first posts in this series here: Committing to a Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya Day 1 to 7: Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya Day 8 to 14: Forty Day Sadhana of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya I'm over halfway through this sadhana, and the results have been incredible. Last week I shared some of the burning away process, whereby the movement of prana in the body releases old samskaras. This can be a painful and at times bewildering process, yet ultimately it … [Read more...]