Maybe you’ve had some awakening experiences and are looking for greater clarity on what they are all about. Maybe you’re curious about Kundalini, or how to integrate Kundalini experiences into ordinary life. Or maybe you’re ready to expand your yoga out into activism that impacts the greater world.
Here you’ll find all kinds of in-depth articles that answer those questions and more:
Lawrence Edwards on The Divine Power of Kundalini Awakening
Is Awakening the Evolutionary Destiny of Humanity?
Thoughts on living in an awakening world
My third eye’s a’twitchin’ – does that mean she’s awakening?
And many, many more…
You can navigate Starting via the sub-categories below, or by the article grid under that. We’ve also included some videos related to Awakening down below.
Whatever brings you to this place, I hope that you find encouragement and hope in the words and videos collected here.
With love,
Lucinda, Editor of The Yoga Lunchbox
The Process of Waking Up
Waking Up isn’t just one moment – it’s how we work with bringing our unconsciousness into consciousness.
KL's Musings from the Mat
Kara-Leah experienced an Awakening in 2004. These articles are her journey to integrate the insights and understandings into ordinary life.
The Process of Kundalini
Articles from people who’ve directly experienced Kundalini, and Awakening.
Awakening • Creating a More Beautiful Life