By Dyana Wells, Open Ground School of Meditation There are many different kinds of movement and exercise classes offered in New Zealand. In Raglan, where I now live, I have come across Yoga, Pilates, Contemporary dance, Nia dance and gentle exercises for seniors. Somatic movement is a relatively new brand and has become extremely popular around the world. It grew out of Feldenkrais and developed alongside new research into neuromuscular reprogramming. ‘When activity is freed of … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2020
How to Harness the Power of Connection & Positivity with Satsang
by Swami Karma Karuna, Anahata Yoga Retreat Human beings are naturally social. Despite strongly held values of independence predominant in our modern society, we often gravitate towards connection and support in groups, whether in a yoga class, a rugby game, a party or a gym. Whichever environment or group of people we spend time with, at a subtle level it influences us. The grandfather clock offers us an example of this concept. Through many experiments, we know that when the grandfather … [Read more...]