by guest author Deepak Chopra, author of many books including Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment. Deepak Chopra is in Auckland on August 2nd. See the bottom of this article for event details. Emotions are mysterious and often dangerous things. Thirty years ago mind-body medicine made the connection between emotions and illness. The so-called cancer personality had its vogue, preceded by the type A personality linked to early heart attacks. Despite advances in drugs for depression and … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2011
I Didn’t Want This Life: Why am I Having So Much Fun?
by Kara-Leah Grant Life has been rich with opportunities to practice deep acceptance lately. Samuel is now 17 months old, generally awake from 7am to 7pm, and active, even measured by toddler standards. It's impossible to work around him anymore, or write morning pages, or meditate, or practice asana. These things were the mainstay of my waking hours - if I wasn't on the computer, I was doing some form of yoga or writing. In the last month, I've had to accept that this is just not … [Read more...]
On the Magic of Yoga Practice to Bring You Back to Presence
by Kara-Leah Grant I've had a rough few weeks, since moving into my new house with my three wonderful flatmates. First I caught a 12 hour vomiting bug that saw me curled up on my sister-in-law's bathroom for seven hours in child's pose, just moving to lift my head and vomit. Then I caught the flu and a nasty cough and was bed-ridden for over a week. Just as I was beginning to feel well, almost two weeks after first getting sick, I woke up with red welts all over my body and swollen … [Read more...]
Confession time people. I’ve been dodging a heart truth
I have a huge confession to make. I don't want the responsibility for The Yoga Lunchbox anymore, and I don't know what to do about this. Because even though I don't want responsibility for the website anymore... the website isn't just about me. It's a community website, and it's taken input from the community to create such an amazing resource for the yoga community. There's been all kinds of people who've contributed to The Yoga Lunchbox - regular writers like Alys and Jessica, … [Read more...]
Tantra: A system for mind expansion
by guest author Swami Muktidharma There is a huge misunderstanding about the great science of Tantra, especially in our western society. Some confuse it with witchery or black magic and a lot more think that Tantra is only related to sexual practices. As with many things imported from the East to the West, this is a gross misrepresentation of Tantra and a very limited way to understand an ancient and deep science. Tantra relates to each and every aspect of our lives, and therefore must … [Read more...]