By Kara-Leah, Regular readers will well remember I started a forty day sadhana (spiritual practice) oh... a few months ago. It was an Infinite Wealth and Prosperity meditation, and I was loving doing it. But then something happened. I found out I was pregnant, and as this particular meditation involved stomach pumps (a no-no for pregnant women), I had to stop. But I couldn't write about it immediately, because I had to wait to tell people I was pregnant. Now I can tell people... so I can … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2009
How yoga practice teaches you to listen to your intuition through life’s transitions
by guest author Lynda Miers-Henneveld of Yoga Unlimited Yoga teaches us to embrace the natural rhythms of life. Through our practice we can ground ourselves in times of instability, or motivate and energise ourselves when we feel stuck. A personal practice has to reflect our changing circumstances if it is to support us in our journey through this life. If we stay present to what is happening in our bodies, minds and hearts, we can adapt our practice intuitively. … [Read more...]
Why it’s important to have friends that share your vision for life
by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat One of the joys of being serious about yoga and meditation practice is the community of like-minded friends I've built up around me. Traditionally, a serious aspirant on the spiritual path would have a teacher or guru to turn to for help, guidance and assistance. Life in Wellington means that this teacher or guru usually shows up in my life in the guise of friends and family. Walking a spiritual path is not easy. One could liken it to the … [Read more...]
A yogic exploration of winning the Big Wednesday jackpot
The single most destructive desire present in the human race is the desire "to make money". In the name of "making money", we make slaves of other people, we rape and pillage the earth, we abuse animals, we create inferior products designed to break down and crowd our landfills, we compromise our internal values, we trample over colleagues, we burn ourselves out, we spend more time working than with our family, and we write it all off as "just business". All this because of our burning … [Read more...]
Is asana practice a totally over-rated part of yoga?
Think yoga, and likely you'll think of a person bending their body into a posture. You'll imagine the cover of Yoga Journal and think, that's yoga. Except it's not. It's one aspect of Yoga - Hatha Yoga, or physical yoga. Yoga has many paths one can walk, including Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Mantra Yoga... some of these paths don't involve twisting and turning of the body at all, yet they are still yoga. … [Read more...]
What do you see when you look at the world? – The yogic perspective
A month ago I floated this question with my readers because I was curious. I know that what we see when we look at the world says more about us than it says about the world, and I wanted to know; What were my readers seeing? I knew what I was seeing, and as I witness my reactions to the news and current affairs shows, I could gauge whether I was coming from an open-hearted centredness perspective, or a right/wrong ego perspective. More often than not, it was my ego that was engaged. It was … [Read more...]
How to use yoga to help you be a better parent
Yoga is 'union' and there is no greater path to union than that of the relationship between parent and child - and a parent's relationship with themselves. by guest author Amanda Reid of Samadhi Yoga Where else do you have the challenge and opportunity to be your most mindful at each moment? Where your every communication has the potential to create conflict or upliftment? Children respond either consciously or unconsciously to each moment and can make us painfully aware of our gaps … [Read more...]