by Kelly Fisher Our lives are so out of synch with nature; it's no wonder that sub-par health and even chronic degenerative diseases are the new norm. Diabetes, autoimmune disorders, adrenal issues, thyroid conditions, weight issues, menopausal issues, post-partum issues, insomnia, perpetual exhaustion… the list goes on. Chances are you know someone who suffers from at least one of these things, and maybe a few of you know someone for each of the above. Even those of us who consider ourselves … [Read more...]
Should I Tell Students it’s My First Class Teaching?
by Kelly Fisher “Should I tell the students it is my first class teaching?” I get this question often and there are good reasons to tell them and good reasons not to tell them. My personal bias is for transparency and honesty. Being vulnerable and open enables people to do the same. As yoga teachers we're holding space for our students' personal inquiry and experience. While we can't know what goes on inside of our students' hearts and minds or control it, we can facilitate the kind of raw … [Read more...]
What do I do when a Student Complains about Wrist Pain and Wants to Leave Class?
by Kelly Fisher, Urban Yoga Kelly is our resident yoga teacher mentor, answering questions from readers about how to teach and what to do when issues come up. You can email Kelly your question here. The Yoga Teacher's Question: “There it was yesterday: my first and rather frustrating setback in my teaching experience. I have a student who suffers from a lot of wrist pain. She comes along to my 45 minute class that is short, sharp and energetic. Because I know she requires special … [Read more...]
How To Overcome Your Fears During Yoga Teacher Training
by Kelly Fisher, Urban Yoga Kelly works as a mentor for students wanting to move toward teacher training, currently training as teachers, or fresh out of training. In these articles, she shares some of the questions she's asked. You can ask her your questions by sending her an email. Question: I am in teacher training and I feel as if my teachers aren't giving the structure or guidance I was expecting to find my "voice". They kind of just throw us in it and then critique us … [Read more...]
How to Get your First Yoga Teaching Job
by Kelly Fisher, Urban Yoga Typically when you finish your first yoga teacher training it can feel as though you're bursting with equal parts fantastic information to share and uncertainty about how or where to share it. Unless you've completed teacher training with an organisation that rolls new teachers onto an existing schedule, it can be a challenge to figure out how you can get into teaching in your town. Often studios will want teachers with previous teaching experience and/or … [Read more...]
Five Ways to be a Better Yoga Teacher
by Kelly Fisher, Urban Yoga After almost a decade of teaching yoga as my full time career, I have had the privilege of watching some of the students who have come to my classes eventually become teachers themselves. I have had the honour of fielding their questions and helping them through those uncertain first months and years of teaching. Plus, as a huge geek when it comes to neuropsychology, yoga anatomy, yoga physiology and yoga alignment, I often help new teachers from other lineages … [Read more...]
So what’s your purpose in life?
by guest author Marianne Elliott, Off the Mat NZ It’s not exactly the kind of question people are likely to ask you at a cocktail party, but increasingly I hear people asking themselves and others: What is your purpose in life? Many of us long for a clear sense of purpose: one coherent story about what we are supposed to be doing with our life. We wish we could feel confident that we are spending our “one wild and precious life” in a way that is meaningful, that is contributing … [Read more...]
Exposing oneself to the news – what’s the real story?
by guest author Alys Titchener My reflections from one of the Yoga Off The Mat sessions. It’s the toughest homework assignment so far, as far as I’m concerned. All sorts of defenses and red lights are flaring as the instructions settle; I have to tune in to what’s going on in our world; listen to the news, read the papers or news sites online, and then watch my reaction to these stories. I pull a face, obviously not happy with this prescribed task. And for so many reasons! I … [Read more...]
How to set an intention for your practice
by guest author Kelly Fisher, Urban Yoga, Wellington From a yogic point of view, the process of setting a sankalpa (an intention) goes a little like this. Step one: Set a positive intention, focusing on the results you want, rather than thinking about what you don’t want (as tends to be the case when we set New Year’s resolutions). Step two: Let it go. The Universe conspires on our behalf. Where energy is placed, the Universe augments it. At a workshop I recently attended, Anusara … [Read more...]