by Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat Ok, I admit it, I'm the first person to think that Yoga is a cure-all. Just practice yoga regularly and it will sort out your back issues, your depression, your relationship problems and those last five kilos you just can't shift. It's the wunder-drug of the next generation. Except when it isn't. I've been practicing Yoga - of the physical kind - for about 12 years now. And yes, it's done amazing things for my back. I was living with chronic … [Read more...]
Learning to wait, and wait, and wait some more
by guest author Nadine Fawell, a Melbourne-based yoga teacher, blogger, and author of the yogAttitude cards. She is most interested in yoga's power to heal body, mind, and spirit. I was very sick a while back. I was too ill to leave the house for three weeks, and, two moths later, I am still coughing. When I went to the Doctor, she told me, “It’s a virus. I can’t do anything for you: go home and sleep it off.” I am, essentially, convalescing. I can’t walk too far or too fast, I get … [Read more...]
What Can Yoga Do For Me Physically, Mentally and Emotionally?
by Kara-Leah, Yoga is the science of life. It is thousands of years old, and with regular practice, yoga can bring you back into balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. What does this mean? It means that no matter what issue you are dealing with in your life, yoga can help you manage it. And increasingly around the world, the scientific and medical world is doing the research to back this up. Spend some time digging around on the 'net, and you'll uncover more and more … [Read more...]