By Kara-Leah Grant, Musings from the Mat
Oh I’m giddy with delight right now.
I was up at 6:15am, over an hour ago, and my child has yet to surface.
I’ve written my morning pages. I’ve written an email to the 489 lovely subscribers on my book list. I’ve downloaded the software to review the Kindle and ePub versions of Forty Days of Yoga, which have just been completed.
And now I get to write!
Yes, write!
I love writing. Love it, love it, love it, love it.
Hence the website and the book right? Seems pretty obvious. But this new life I’m living, with no childcare and full-time mothering doesn’t leave a lot of time or space for writing.
See, mostly, writing is something I like to do in the wee small hours of the morning when the psychic airwaves are quiet and my mind is still. I feel fresher, clearer and more available to life.
For years, when working fulltime and teaching part-time, I would get up at 6am to write before my day began. It worked a treat. But as parents of small children know, the arrival of a baby in the house turns sleep into a precious, precious commodity, savoured at all times and craved at most.
Even now my child is three, I still crave sleep. But lately… I’ve been finding motivation to arise early to practice yoga, and to write. But only when I know I’m well-rested.
This morning was one of this mornings. And here I am, all rested and excited and delighted at playing with words.
Pause. Now. What to say?
Deep breath.
Yesterday I was excited to hear back from a National Book Distributor.
I wasn’t sure, flicking off an email through the website, if they’d respond to a small-fry publisher like me. But they did. Within the day. Ex-cit-ed. Until I read the terms of how they operate.
For their services – which include attempting to get my book into all major book retailers, both brick and mortor and online – they take 35% of net receipts on all books sold though them.
Sounds fair enough right? They have to handle all the sales process, cultivate the relationships with Whitcoulls and the like, plus stock and frieght the books out to fufil orders. Plus keep track of it all and invoice appropriately. 35% sounds fair.
Until you realise that those book retailers they’re selling to take 40 – 50% of the RRP – so net receipts are 50%. The distributor in essence takes about 17% off RRP. That leaves the publisher somewhere about 30% of the RRP. Out of that 30%, the publisher has to print the book, ship the book, cover their costs and pay the author.
As I’m both publisher and author, it’s a simpler process. Except that my first print run cost about 25% of RRP.
With those figures, I’ll have 5% left over to pay all other costs, including my time and $1 per book to the Yoga Educations in Prison’s Trust.
Yes, I’ll almost be paying to put my books in shops.
Oh – child awake.
Break to make breakfast, hang out at breakfast.
Now I’m typing with a cuddly three year old sitting on my lap flying some kind of spaceship that keeps saying:
Approaching drop zone.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, trying to figure out how to get my book into book stores and maybe retain 5% of the RRP. That’s $2.
An email flashes:
Notification of Payment received.
I just sold another book directly through my website, likely as a result of the email I sent out to my subscribers.
My writing flow has gone though. I don’t know where I am anymore. Samuel wants me to play lego.
Approaching drop zone.
For this morning, my writing time is gone. I surrender to it. With almost gritted-teeth.
There will be a way.
There will be a time.
I am a writer, through and through.
I will write, and I will earn a living from it.
It’s all just proces.
It’s all just presence.
It’s all about grabbing the opportunities when they arise.
It’s about keeping the faith. And letting go. All the time.
All. The. God-Damned. Time.
Later. Child in bed. Great day. Grab the opportunity to write. Flow gone though. Where am I again? It’s raining, pouring. The fire is on.
I have found the way to live in the presence of the lord.
Or so sings Krishna Das.
Have I?
That’s what writing feels like to me. And dancing. And yoga. I want to write more and more and more. I also want to earn a living from writing. But I can wait. I can bide my time. I can do my time.
Child-rearing first. Writing second. Years will pass. I will still be here. I will still be writing.
This is where yoga takes me – that constant practice on the mat of working with what is, my hamstrings, tight, tight, tight. Even after 12 years of practice, still so tight. When will it ever change? But it is changing, with every practice, incrementally.
As is my writing. As is the income I derive from writing.
We are always changing. Can our minds keep up? Our identities? Who we think we are? Can we learn to let go in every moment? Allow emotions to rise like a torrent of flood water, gone in a flash? Moving through us, not of us, just an expression of energy.
I have friends who can.
They hearten me.
I am not alone.
Not in this dance.
Not in this life.
Not in this writing.
Does it matter if my book doesn’t make money? People are reading it. People are touched. People are shifting and changing and learning to be and accept just as they are.
I won’t starve.
I’ll keep writing.
I’ll keep living, and feeling, and dreaming, and believing, and acting, and creating, and most of all –
I’ll keep daring.
Dare with me?
Thank you KL, such beautiful, honest and masterful words. About conscious determination to do the masterful thing, even with gritted teeth. Because masters get frustrated and disheartened and distracted and hungry and sore too.
How I choose to respond to each tiny little moment, be it blissful or irritating, easeful or dramatic, that’s the thing that makes the difference. I can’t stop the torrent, only choose whether it flattens me or slakes my thirst or carries me somewhere new.
Much love!
Hey Maddy,
Oh yes indeed – choice of response is all we ever have really. That’s where our power lies, and that’s how we determine who we are.
Always love your comments!
Hi Kara-Leah
I discovered your website a few days ago and I love it. I too am a writer and yogi and drop in daily to pick up tips and generally not feel alone in the often lonely place of trying to make a living from writing.
More power to you! Keep on going.
All the best,
Hey Mandy,
Welcome to the YLB! Great to have you here 🙂
One of my buddies mentioned the other day about Direct Online Publishing through Kindle or Amazon.
Authors can sell their books for $1 or two, but with zero overhead and author keeping 70% of the profits
it might be worth it.
I am about as computer literate as a pineapple. So I could easily be wrong. It was just something picked up in passing conversation.
Since your Zen is writing, I thought it might be something worth looking into.
Just sharing information is all.
Best wishes
Hey Doug,
Yeah, been looking into direct publishing through Amazon. Slowly sorting out the Kindle upload – getting a US tax number, uploading all the info etc… hopefully will have that sorted in a week.
The problem with print is that CreateSpace, who handle the Print on Demand, don’t do spiral-binding. As the book is a workbook, the spiral-binding makes it much easier to write in… Am seeing if Lightning Source, another major POD distributor, does spiral-binding, but their help people haven’t got back to me yet.
And as you can imagine… this all takes time to investigate and jump through hoops etc. So it’s slow going right now… but I’ll get there, eventually.
Appreciate the suggestions though… all info is valuable!
Hi Kara-Leah
I am an indie author who publishes on Amazon and to date have published one YA (Young Adult) novel. So far so good, though I did not get a US tax number — I just went ahead and uploaded. Amazon pays me by EFT. It’s a shame about the spiral binding because one of the drawbacks to Amazon is that they require you to publish exclusively with them–at least that’s my understanding… That said, you would be able to reach a really wide audience through Amazon .com/ India etc.
I have a friend who is up to speed on all things self-pub on Amazon, so drop me a line if you have any queries – I know that the information isn’t always comprehensive on the Amazon website…
One of my own problems has been with marketing; I’m no good at selling myself or my work and that is a must on Amazon if you want to get high sales. My friend is VERY good in that department and has been very successful in the Indie arena.
Good luck with it all. Really enjoying the site. Ordering my copy of 40 days today.
All the best,
Hey Mandy,
Great info too! I was thinking of using CreateSpace & Lightning Source… but maybe I can’t… will have to check in with that. Lightning Source might be the better print on demand distributor… they still distribute to Amazon, but I know that Amazon penalises those books coming from Lightning Source by saying they’re available in two weeks, instead of immediately. So sly!
The US tax number means that Amazon doesn’t automatically withhold 30% of my income, instead, they just withhold 5%. Huge difference!
Sounds like I need to pick your friend’s brain! Information is really what it’s all about…
Thanks so much for the input.
Anytime! My friend is a gem and she’s really into sharing info with other indie authors, so feel free!
Very excited for you Kara-Leah with your book promoting on line possibilities will have a positive outcome for you.. Your writing talent continues to show.. your words “conscious determination to do the masterful thing.” beautiful and pertinent for me at this time; a good boost to help my self sabotage; a thing my whole family suffer from…. and yes I am willing to pay to be one of your P. members to Lunch box .. I have no idea what price you were thinking, hope people give you some ideas on line so I can have a look at their suggestions……… 40 day programs tailor made for me, but inspired from you, continue to bring blessings for me. Thankyou.
Hey Terimoana,
Thanks for picking that phrase out! It does sound good… he he he. Great to hear the Forty Day program is rocking along.
Many blessings,