by Kara-Leah Grant
Have you ever noticed that a tree never needs wonder about what to do? Or who to be?
No, the tree feels within when the time comes for budding and blossoming.
For bearing fruit and blooming.
And when the time comes to shed the old and dig in for the hibernation period.
Trees follow the flow of internal energy as they respond to external reality.
There is much we can learn from this way of being.
For there are times in our lives when we need to hunker down and cut away our obligations so we may build our internal energy again.
There are times when this internal energy builds so that it explodes in an outer blossoming of energy – a time when we plant seeds in our life and nurture projects.
This time is naturally followed by an abundance of fruition and a corresponding harvest.
And after the work is done, there is a desire to settle in again, and cast off that which is no longer needed.
Yet our lifestyles so often don’t support this natural energetic cycle of life. Very few of us are in any way connected to the land anymore, and without the external reminders, have become disconnected from our own internal energetic flow.
Our jobs often require that we produce and put out week after week after week for 48 or 50 weeks of the year. They don’t give us the space to put back into ourselves, like a farmer will allow a field to lie fallow for a planting so that the soil may regenerate.
Many of us have obligations that make it near impossible to follow our own internal cycles – we can’t walk away from jobs or families or commitments when we feel we need some time.
Or we can’t throw ourselves into the creation of a new project when the inspiration takes us because we don’t have the time and feel guilty about neglecting other things, other people.
Yet by reconnecting with our inner flow, with understanding that there is a time for planting, for nurturing, for harvesting, for enjoying…
We open up to the majesty of the rhythm of life.
Our internal energy will carry us right where we need to be, when we need to be there.
This is the joy of going with the flow.
All of creation works with this rhythm and flow – why should we think we are any different?
Take a moment now to tune into your internal truth. Place both feet flat on the floor, take a deep breath through the nose, pulling the air right down into your belly.
Ask yourself;
- How do I feel right now?
- What do I need right now?
- If I could be doing anything at all, what would it be?
- How can I honour my natural rhythms within the confines of my life?
You know what to do in every moment of every day. It’s not about what you’re supposed to be doing, what you’ve said you’ll do, or what other people want you to do.
No, it’s about connecting with your internal flow and honouring it.
Just as the tree is connected to the flow of the seasons and honours these cycles.
Because the beauty of life is that when you harness the natural energy and flow from within, life unfolds with all the ease of a tree springing into blossom come September (or April for the northern hemisphere).
It’s all there.
Within You.
Just connect.
Hi K-L,
This is something I keep coming back to again and again. It just seems so hard to honor one’s own rhytm in today’s world – but as soon as you’re really decided to do so, it comes naturally; you suddenly feel a gentle force supporting you in the flow of your own dance.
Hi Vitor,
Thanks for stopping by!
This was one of the few articles to make the transition from my last website. I too love those days where you’re in step with life, just flowing from one thing to the next, doing what needs doing in each and every moment without worrying about anything.
Love the artwork on your site by the way – it totally expresses the idea of Prana and Flow!!!
Hi Kara-Leah,
I loved your post!
I love the sense of natural flow you speak of here.
Hey Diane,
Flow sure is a magical thing. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Soon to be 83, I know I have missed out completely on lifes best kept secret..going with the flow.
And yet even as a teenager I figured out, without study, without advise, this was the “secret”.
One might wonder why this e-mail, why now, what is it that I’m trying to accomplish in my late late
time in life, Although I have had a decent life with it’s planting time and harvesting time which brought
me good day’s, not so good day’s, I realize how much I missed by not following my teen age understanding…and for what more day’s I will be gifted with, I .want them to be my day’s. I earned it..
Hey Nick,
It’s wonderful you’ve discovered that secret now! What a rich understanding to bring to these later years of your life.
Many blessings,