Somewhere out there in the world is the perfect person for you. Someone who will love you unconditionally, and meet all your needs, and shower you with love.
And you already know this person. In fact, you are extraordinarily close to this person.
For this person is you.
You are the one responsible for loving yourself unconditionally, for meeting all your needs and for showering yourself with love.
And when you do this, you will discover something magical.
You will naturally attract people to you who also reflect this.
People who love you unconditionally and meet your needs and shower you with love.
But first, you must find this in yourself.
And second, you must understand that love is not something that you find.
It is not this substance somewhere out there like a gold nugget lying at the bottom of the river, just waiting for the right prospector to come along and pan it out of the water.
No, the love you feel when you meet someone you deem to ‘be in love with’ is an expression of Self flowing through your heart and your being TOWARD the other.
When you understand this, you understand love.
When you understand love, you see love everywhere.
When you see love everywhere, it is because it is flowing unhindered from the depths of your being.
For love is an expression of Self.
It is not so much a feeling as it is an action, imbued with a feeling.
Love is waking up early to make breakfast in bed for your lover on Sunday morning because you feel like it.
Love is listening to the words unsaid when your lover is talking to you.
Love is allowing your lover to be Who they Are, even when you don’t like it.
And love can only be truly experienced when you are truly yourself. Because if you are being someone else in order to experience love… you are not being true to your Self. You are selling out. How can that be love?
If you want to find true love, first find your true Self.
Then know yourself.
Know yourself, so that when an opportunity for expression of love comes along you can KNOW whether or not this opportunity is in alignment with Who You Are and Where You Are Going.
Do not worry about the other person – let them take care of themselves.
But understand that to sacrifice Self for Love is a Fool’s Folly, for the true purpose of a relationship is to experience Self.
And how can one experience Self when it’s already been sacrificed?
For love will always exist. You will never lose it.
How can you lose something that lives inside of you?
No, stay true to yourself, stay true to where you are doing, and know in your heart that the world is littered with opportunities to express love from this place of Truth.
Only from this place of Truth and freely expressed Love will relationships have the opportunity to blossom into all that they can be.
For how can you build something solid on a foundation of lies and holding back?
So find that place of truth within, hold solid to it, and choose to express your love toward one who takes joy in your expression of Self – one who is walking in the same direction as you.
And then, there is Love.
Not found.
But expressed.
Moving through you.
Toward another.
This article has been featured in a Carnival on Chandra “Unplugged”
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