WIN a copy of Kara-Leah’s new book ‘Sex, Drugs & (mostly) Yoga – Field Notes from Kundalini Awakening’, publishing in November 2018. Guaranteed to take you on an intimate journey into the depths of the Kundalini experience. Click here to sign up for the book launch list and go into the draw to win one of THREE print copies.
by Kara-Leah Grant
I started this article over two years ago… and never finished it.
But thanks to suggestions from a YLB commenter, I found and read a book by Jed McKenna.
That was enough to give me the missing piece of the puzzle… I finally got what No-Self is.
What follows is that article, written two years ago, with a fresh conclusion.
There’s been a great discussion going on in the comment section of Suggestions on what to do if you’ve had a Kundalini Awakening. It’s been such a great discussion, I had to turn my response into an article.
This discussion been centred around identify, no-identify, ego, mind and not-self.
It’s the kind of thing that can quickly get really confusing.
Our sense of self, or identity is so ingrained, it’s often impossible to tune in on what having no-identity would be like.
Yet many of the different spiritual scriptures, including the yogic texts, speak of this state of being where all sense of self dissolves. There is no ‘I’ left.
But if there’s no ‘I’ left… then who’s driving the car? How does the ‘I-less’ person engage with the world?
After all, our identity is what we use to connect with people.
If we’re no longer attached to any sense of self, where – or what – the hell are we?
Here’s my take on this subject.
First, I thought it would be wise to do some research and reading around this area. Ha! Confusing as all hell people, so after one or two articles… I thought screw it. I’ll reflect on this aspect of reality from my own experience.
That’s yoga at it’s heart after all, experiential. Not rehashed, no regurgitation.
So. Here’s my take on things.
- Many people in this world are sleep-walking through life. Their reactions to the things that happen are completely based on what happened to them in the past, what beliefs they carry and what they think the world is all about. Life happens to them. These kind of people, bless them, are totally identified with their thoughts and feelings.
- Some people in the world are beginning to wake up to life. They realise that they are acting out patterns of behaviour based on beliefs and ideas they carry around with them. They know that they are co-creators with life. These kind of people, bless them, are beginning to observe their thoughts and feelings and question them.
- A few people in this world are Awake. They choose their response to any given circumstance based on what is needed. They no longer have any unconscious beliefs or limiting patterns dictating their reactions. They are Master Creators. These kind of people, bless them, have no fixed identity or sense of self. Who they are in the moment depends on what is needed.
Type 1 are like actors playing a part, only they’ve forgotten they’re acting and have become completely absorbed in the role they’re playing.
Type 2 are beginning to recognise the Play, and if they’ve been playing a suffering role, are looking to choose to play a different role.
Type 3 delight in the Play, and whatever role they are asked to play in what ever circumstance arises.
Practicing yoga helps us shift from Type 1 to Type 2 as we learn how to witness our selves in action.
We notice our habitual reactions to stimuli. We start to become aware.
As we become aware, we become curious. We wonder why certain situations trigger certain emotions or reactions. We may want to change the way we react. We start to become less identified with these reactions and more able to sense ourselves as awareness or presence.
As we become less identified with aspects of ourselves, we may feel less inclined to defend these parts of ourselves. Curiousity and awareness opens us up to change.
We notice when we are defensive, when we do shut down. We sense the different quality within ourselves, we notice how our voice changes and constricts, how our body language changes.
Someone might comment in passing:
“Wow, you get really angry when people criticize you.”
Identified with self, you respond:
“No I don’t!”, or “That’s because they have no right!”
Less identified with self you respond:
“Do I? Wow, I hadn’t noticed. I wonder why that is?” or “Hmmm… you’re right. I wonder why that is?”
What would it feel like if you were in a sense of No-Self? How would you repsond then? Simply this:
“Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. It depends on what’s needed.”
At least, this is what I imagine a person who’s experiencing No-Self would respond. I’m extrapolating… because I don’t know. I may be more conscious than I was ten years ago, or even one year ago, but I still have a sense of self.
And how useful is it to extrapolate what No-Self feels like?
After all, how many people are struggling with a sense of No-Self? Probably very few. Actually, none. What is there left to struggle with? There is no Self.
What’s of real concern to 99.9% of us is the shift from Type A to Type B – and this is the exact journey Yoga takes us on.
Yoga psychology specifically address this shift from a sense of I-ness to the Witness (Atman). It is the journey that yoga takes us on. I-ness, that sense of identifying with the small self, is even described as one of the five afflictions, or kleshas, that keep us bound to “gross apparent reality”.
When we’re stuck in I-ness, which arises out of the first klesha, avidya (ignorance) we get stuck in attraction and aversion, we become victims to our total identification with our likes and dislikes. As we practice, we begin to shift into the Witness and our attachments to our likes and dislikes softens and fades.
To an extent then, any discussion around what No-Self is like and how one attains it is academic.
Or totally pointless. You’re either in it, or you’re not. And if you’re not, you can’t pretend to be in it by learning the appropriate way to be… because there is no appropriate way to be.
That’s about as far as I got two years ago. Then I got stuck. Now what?
Here’s what now.
I leave yoga behind. That’s what. I see that yoga is just another layer of Self to shed.
Another aspect of identify that is not me. It’s another idea and another belief. An incredible useful one that has served me well… until now.
I just stood up and went to get Jed McKenna’s book Spiritual Enlightenment The Damnest Thing from my bedroom so I could find something appropriate and wise to quote. Something that would sum up this article and get across the point I’m trying to make.
Screw that.
The whole point of waking up – moving to No-Self – is that it’s something one does by oneself.
Like Buddha.
Like Jesus.
Like Jed McKenna. (Assuming the guy is for real and not just another brilliant story-teller weaving fiction out of fact a-la Carlos Castenada).
It’s not about learning, or knowledge, or understanding. It’s about exactly the opposite of that. it’s un-learning. Un-knowing. And totally letting go of the need to understand anything.
Which is why that discussion that kickstarted this article two years ago is totally academic. You can argue all you like about what No-Self is like or what it’s all about. But in the end, what you actually have to do is go there yourself.
Then you’ll know.
That’s it.
Peel back those layers. Let go of those identities. Toss out the things you think you know and forget about trying to understand.
Just keep questioning.
Is this true?
Is this true?
Is this true?
How do I know it’s true?
Is it really true?
WIN a copy of Kara-Leah’s new book ‘Sex, Drugs & (mostly) Yoga – Field Notes from Kundalini Awakening’, publishing in November 2018. Guaranteed to take you on an intimate journey into the depths of the Kundalini experience. Click here to sign up for the book launch list and go into the draw to win one of THREE print copies.
Hi Kara-Leah
The website above isn’t mine at all, but the words therein point to the understanding you sound like you are looking for. This is it… aliveness happening… black marks on a screen, eyes reading them… the world within a grain of sand. Nothing being everything being nothing…. no separation, no-one to be separate, simplicity itself! (But, for ‘someone’ who’s been lead to feel they are separate and have to make their life work, this description is really frightening, and awesome!!!)
warm wishes from Nelson
Hey Stephanie,
Thanks for the link – I shall check it out. Much appreciated! KL
This is an amazing follow-on from the ‘Spiritual Guy’ article. I was wondering about the absence of Identity, and feeling quite uninteresting (my identity of lack) and here is this offering.
Thank you.
I gotcha! I, too, am paddling around in awake-asleep-awake-asleep waters. Great how you put aside the temptation to grab the Master’s words, and wrote your own. It’s all in there, is what I hear you saying.
Jed McKenna has written 4 books, it would seem. Have you read them all?
Kindly from Australia
Hey Eve,
I’ve read the first two of his books, and have another on order right now. Plus I’m also loving Adyashanti right now.
Great article.
As far as describing the nature of this illusionary world, your descriptions and revelations were all spot on.
Well done.
To add a few more tools to your tool box, the question What is True? may also be modified to What do I believe to be True? or Who Am I?
With the added note of knowing that All beliefs are lies. That is why the word ‘lie’ is smack dab in the middle of the word ‘Belief’. Consciousness has a wicked sense of humor doesnt it. 😉
If one chases ones beliefs and percieved truths down to the core, they ‘tend’ to arrive somewhere around this:
At this moment in time, you have an almost constant stream of thoughts bouncing between your ears.
This thought stream is commonly referred to as ones Inner Dialoge, Inner Monologe, Mind or Thoughts.
And the thing is…The Ego / The ‘you’/ Maya ‘has tricked you into Be’lie’ving you are your Inner dialogue AND at the same time its tricked you into actually believing your inner dialoge is your best friend.
What does your inner dialogue tell you? It is just you and me vs the world. You can trust no one else but me,
It is a little Hitler which makes you feel you have the right to tell others what to do. Im right, they are wrong. They should have done this, they should have done that.
It tells you when you have been insulted, it tells you who to hate, who to fear, when to be jealous, envious, greedy, etc.
Heck it even tells you that you can not be happy unless you get married, are rich, are famous, have a shiney new car, live in a bigger house than your neighbors, do the splits, stand on your hands, turn your body into a pretzel, win a gold medal, or whatever other twisted fantasies it can come up with.
And then when one gets one or all these things. Egoic Happiness turns out is just a sugar high. Feels so good for a short while, then..emptiness. So one chases the next high, the next ‘must have’ to be happy, and the cycle contines on and on and on. With happiness always being just out of reach.
So if you know that you are not your body and you know you are not the endless stream of thoughts bouncing though your head, then the question remains… Who Am I?
Unfortuneatly, as you already know that is a question that all living things must ponder and figure out for themselves.
Eveybodys path is unique. It is an internal quest where hard work and grace both have to play their part.
Enlightenment is death and death is enlightenment. So one way or the other, sooner or later all living things come back home to the realization of the emptiness of Truth. Being awake simply means, Egoic death has occured but the physical body continues to function.
Apologies, about the length of this response. It was not intended.
I hope I did not add confusion into your journey.
The only ‘advice’ for lack of a better word, which I can give to you or anyone else desiring Truth is to keep doing what you already are doing. contine asking questions and to listen to your Heart & not your head. Your inner self will guide you home, at the time it is needed.
Please take whatever I wrote above with a grain of salt. I am just a broken bodied hermit who tends to ramble way too much.
Best wishes and safe travels to all,
Hey Doug,
Thanks for the ramble… I’m loving all of this right now. Grain of salt taken!
check out for some words attempting to describe how things are. Tony Parsons (well, that’s just the label for the 80 year old body whose website it is) sees words cannot describe Isness, This, Being, Not-Twoness, but the energy of nothing being everything being nothing is behind the words coming out of that body. However, the words do help cut through the confusion! And leave the seeker with…. no-thing!
Great – look forward to checking out Tony’s website too.