You have just ONE body to carry you through life from birth to death. This body is the only way that you can get around on our material world. It's the only way you can perceive ANYTHING. Because if you couldn't smell, taste, feel, see or hear... what would you be experiencing? (Pure consciousness, that's what. But that is another article.) So how do you treat this wonderful personal transportation device of yours? … [Read more...]
How to find true love
Somewhere out there in the world is the perfect person for you. Someone who will love you unconditionally, and meet all your needs, and shower you with love. Right? Absolutely. And you already know this person. In fact, you are extraordinarily close to this person. For this person is you. You are the one responsible for loving yourself unconditionally, for meeting all your needs and for showering yourself with love. And when you do this, you will discover something … [Read more...]
How to Harness the Natural Flow of Life
by Kara-Leah Grant Have you ever noticed that a tree never needs wonder about what to do? Or who to be? No, the tree feels within when the time comes for budding and blossoming. For bearing fruit and blooming. And when the time comes to shed the old and dig in for the hibernation period. Trees follow the flow of internal energy as they respond to external reality. There is much we can learn from this way of being. For there are times in our lives when we need to hunker down and … [Read more...]