Yoga can profoundly transform our lives – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The process and journey of yoga is not always easy though, and it always helps to have someone to walk the path with.
That’s where The Yoga Lunchbox comes in – here you will help you find support for your journey, wherever you might be along the path – shiny, fresh, novice student, or decades-long, dedicated practitioner.
We at The Yoga Lunchbox believe that:
- Yoga transforms lives by healing mind, body and spirit.
- Yoga isn’t just something that we do, yoga is the quality of presence that we bring to everything we do.
- Yoga has the power to transform our society from the inside out.
- The best articles are those written by yoga practitioners about their real-life experiences of learning on and off the yoga mat.
The Yoga Lunchbox is here to:
- Reassure us that whatever we encounter along the path of yoga is all part of the process.
- Encourage us to try more than just asana, and to try more than just going to class.
- And it’s here to celebrate the joyful aspects of making yoga a part of your daily life.
In our 1000+ articles you’ll find loads of ideas and suggestions on how to practice that promote, and advocate those very things.
There is no doubt that somewhere on this site, there will be something you’re looking for about yoga. Just use the Search bar to find what you need.
About Editor: Steward of the Yoga Lunchbox
The Yoga Lunchbox has over the years had wonderful editors that have curated and written the content that reflects the Yoga world at that time. We are grateful to the founder Kara-Leah Great, and subsequent editors Lucinda Staland, Cara Butler and Veronica King. Taking the helm in 2022 is Mary Goulter. Each editor brings a unique perspective and lense on yoga, you will see this reflected in the huge variety of voices shared here.
We love to hear from Yoga Lunchbox readers, so get in touch via email with your questions, ideas and stories.
About Publisher: Yoga New Zealand
Yoga New Zealand is the national body for the registration of yoga teachers and trainings.
Yoga New Zealand represents the interests of yoga teachers from all traditions and styles of yoga and it is a members’ organisation which operates with internationally accepted standards for professional training and teaching.
The Yoga Lunchbox and New Zealand’s Hauora Yoga Conference both come under the umbrella of Yoga New Zealand, and they all have the intention of supporting yoga in New Zealand.
Yoga teacher or training provider? Find out more about becoming a member of Yoga New Zealand.
Yoga student? Find a registered teacher, yoga therapist, workshop or teacher training.
About our Logo
The Yoga Lunchbox logo is designed to reflect both what we aim to offer the yoga community and a unique Aotearoa perspective that honours the bicultural basis of our country’s heritage.
The logo shows an apple, which represents the symbolic ‘feeding’ of the mind through the Yoga Lunchbox’s resources and online discussions, resting inside a pātaka (storehouse), highlighting that the Yoga Lunch box stores a huge range of resources for the Yoga community. The green colour (Kākāriki) represents being a ‘treasure’.
The Yoga New Zealand and Hauora Yoga Conference logos feature similar design elements with their own unique representation.
Advertise with Us! And Reach 40,000+ yoga-lovers every month
Whether you’d like more people to book into your retreat, more yoga mats to fly out the door, or more trainees signing up for your Teacher Training, we’ve got a customised advertising package that will meet your needs and budget.
We specialise in high-quality, meaningful advertising, that helps your business make genuine connections with our audience. We’ve found that our advertising campaigns generate significant short and long-term benefits for our clients
In the past nine years, we’ve worked successfully with businesses, festivals, yoga teacher training programs, yoga studios, and yoga workshops and retreats to bring them the customers they needed.
Will you be next? Find out more here.
History of The Yoga Lunchbox
The Yoga Lunchbox was founded in October 2008 by Kara-Leah Grant.
Inspired to blog about yoga, Kara-Leah called her website Prana Flow NZ.
By early 2010, Kara-Leah decided to rebrand as The Yoga Lunchbox to reflect the wider yoga community she was writing about. The website was no longer about one specific yoga style, but about Yoga itself.
Since then, the site has grown to over 1000 articles including Video Interviews with many of the world’s leading yoga teachers.
As of November 2018, Yoga New Zealand took over supporting The Yoga Lunchbox.
Yoga New Zealand is a national body for the registration of yoga teachers and trainings. The Yoga Lunchbox and New Zealand’s annual Hauora Yoga Conference both come under the umbrella of Yoga New Zealand, and they all have the intention of supporting yoga in New Zealand.