Every now and then, something drops into my in-box that fills me with delight and merriment.
This arrived recently from fellow yoga teacher Roger Livingstone and I just knew I had to share it with a wider audience.
Dear Yoga Friends and other aligned beings,
Here is my Christmas message. I trust you’ll dig it. All my best to you.
Long ago in a fabled age when men and women were wise, noble and good, the Christmas Tree had profound symbolic meaning.
Some characteristics of the tree:
It is a living body with a defined central column.
Jewels, or lights, adorn it.
Each jewel has a unique character.
And at the base lie ceremonial gifts, offerings to the mystery that the tree represents.
Help me understand…
The tree is the human body, the trunk of the tree is the sushumna.
The decorations symbolise the chakras, arranged vertically.
The most precious of these is on top, and even in the Kali Yuga the top decoration is generally a prominent star, or angel.
Consider the presents:
They lie at the base. They have to, because they are too heavy (gross in nature) to be positioned in the tree itself (higher levels of consciousness).
Nowadays the presents are given to each other. But in reality, the three wise men – facing the same way – offered gifts to the divine, as symbolised by the baby Jesus.
The three wise ones didn’t sit in a circle and give presents to each other – but that is what we do in this age of ignorance. We don’t see beyond.
There are more riches to discover here.
At the base is someone.
This is the double-faced diety SatanSanta, who prowls the now-corrupted regions (the infernal realms) of Muladhara and Svadhistana, preying and degrading further. Ho Ho Ho.
There is much, much more here, but email has it’s limitations… you can find the truths as easily as anyone else.
Contemplate the tree.
Consciousness purifies.
Let’s climb.
from Roger – (accredited satansanta spotter and tree climber)
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