by Kara-Leah Grant, My daily, morning half-hour meditation is a must-do. It's the first priority as soon as I wake up, and whenever possible, I'll get up and do it before my toddler is out of bed. There are times though when he's awake before me, and that means I meditate with him. I've done this ever since he was a tiny baby - tiny enough to lie nestled on my lap, sleeping, while I meditated. He out-grew that at about four months, and now he's quite happy to play around me while I do my … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2011
Love comes first, we’ll make heaven a place on earth
I landed back in Wellington last Thursday under a Full Moon, after spending a week making my way up the South Island staying at friends' and family's houses along the way. The trip unfolded spontaneously, as I allowed each next step to reveal itself in it's own good time. Fortuitiously, my Dad and step-mum arrived back a few days early from their camping trip, so Samuel and I were able to spend a fun-filled afternoon and evening at their house in Blenheim, before catching the ferry the … [Read more...]
A podcast interview with Brandon Bays of ‘The Journey’
Alrighty then Lunchboxers... I've just spent a rainy Sunday afternoon up-schooling myself on the ins and outs of editing a .mov file and converting it to a M4a and MP3 file all so you can enjoy a live interview between Moi & Brandon Bays. Brandon Bays who some of you may ask? Brandon Bays. She who, upon discovering she had a basketball - yes, basketball! - sized tumour in her belly, asked the doctor if she could be allowed to 'walk her talk' and apply all her mind-body healing know-how … [Read more...]
Establishing a daily mindfulness practice is easier than you think
by guest author Peter Fernando, Meditation and Mindfulness Establishing a daily meditation practice can be an opportunity for creativity and a fresh perspective on how we live in the world. It doesn't have to seem like just another thing we should be doing, but aren't... One of the most frequent struggles I hear shared by those of us living in urban environments is around maintaining a continuity of mindfulness – both in terms of times alone, sitting in silence, and also in our encounters … [Read more...]
It’s the end of the world as we know it… and I feel strong
I feel raw right now as it's been an intensely challenging three or four weeks. I finally broke up with my partner of three and half years on December 30th, a decision that's been a long time coming, but something I was fervently doing my best to avoid. In the end, there was no avoiding the facts. I couldn't continue my practice of being loving and open while standing strong in my truth, and stay in the relationship. Initially there was a feeling of relief - finally no more back and … [Read more...]
How to cope with post-pregnancy poopiness
by guest author Melissa Billington, POWA Centre, Wellington Creating a baby is such a natural thing, yet it can change your world so irrevocably and unexpectedly that it’s no wonder women struggle after the intensity of birthing to feel centred, balanced and “themselves” again. Not only is a new human created, but a new mother is created as well. As much as you read and research and reconnoitre with other women and mothers, no one and nothing can prepare you entirely for the reality … [Read more...]
Practices for the Heart Chakra, Part 2
Embodying the Heart In Part One, The Meaning of Anahata, I wrote about the energy of the heart center, the compassion and love that it exemplifies and gave simple breath-focused meditation exercises to help you turn towards the sweetness within. Here in Part Two, I’d like to offer a few body practices to further your journey toward Anahata. That backbending postures open the heart is a familiar concept to most yogis. Physically a backbend straightens the thoracic spine, it does not move … [Read more...]